Jon Gosselin & Jennifer Aniston Dating
Yes, I know the headline is absolute crap but over the next few months I bet you can expect headlines similar to that one as the Gosselin's spread their wings like a flock of seagulls. Sorry. I had to go there. You just cannot miss an opportunity to throw in a hair joke. I think it is because of my own lack of hair. I refused to watch the show last night so did the next best thing and got updates texted to me and my mom yelled down the stairs about what was happening. My dad refuses to stay in the room while it is on and so my mom is forced to comment to someone. The fact that I am around a corner and down a flight of stairs doesn't make her less likely to share these opinions. The only other times she does that is when George Clooney is in something. Generally those comments are not printable though and have caused me years of therapy.
Anyway, the paps will have nothing better to do now that the show has shut down for the summer than to follow these two everywhere they go. Oh, yes, if you didn't hear about it the show is shut down until the end of summer. TLC says it was because it was too hard to get stuff on tape. I think it is because they are going to start doing setups and dates and things like that and want to organize it all.
My prediction is that Jon will date a string of 18 year old girls and spend a great deal of his money doing so. There will be hundreds of embarrassing photos of him being drunk at frat parties and doing other things usually confined to Spring Break and for which his kids will be humiliated to see every day they are in school for the next 12 years. I am up in the air about Kate. Part of me says she will date the bodyguard and part of me says she is going to try and soften her image. I know, I know, but she can try. Part of me thinks some huge scandal will hit her or get busted for cheating on her taxes. I can't read her. I just can't get the scandal thing out of my head though.