Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jessica Alba Is A Selfish Liar

I am sure that over the next few paragraphs there will be some very choice words I can think of to describe Jessica Alba, but most of them are not suitable for publication. I have never seen someone so blatantly throw people under a bus and then drive again over them in criss cross patterns to make sure they are willingly down.

Then after the they have been thrown under the bus, Jessica comes out and does the woe is me crap and plays some kind of helpless victim card.

Yesterday I posted the bit about Jessica being in Oklahoma City and how she vandalized the town all in order to save the Great White shark. Now that the police are interested and there is talk of a crime having been committed, Jessica plays the innocent card and says she had no idea what was going on. Her statement from her publicist was pretty strong, but unlucky for her and lucky for us there are pictures of her committing the crime and she doesn't look especially like she is being victimized. I think she had these grand notions there would be headlines all over the world praising her wildlife ways and commending her for taking a stand against the Great White shark haters in Oklahoma City.

Instead, she is more humiliated than the producers watching a movie in which they paid her money to act.

Jessica said,

"I got involved in something I should have had no part of. I realize that I should have used better judgment and I regret not thinking things through before I made a spontaneous and ill-advised decision to let myself get involved with the people behind this campaign."
Sure, spontaneous. There Jessica was sitting at an IHOP in Oklahoma City and in came a couple of people. They sat down and started flirting with Jessica and asked her if she would like to help them put up some environmental posters. That is spontaneous. Flying from LA and doing this late at night is not exactly spontaneous. I'm also guessing if she had got praised for the cause, her response would not have been that she regretted or was ill-advised.

To me it seems like she is saying this was all last minute. She was basically kidnapped and forced to do this against her will and she should be let go and the people who were with her are the evil ones and should be in trouble. Turns out my little imaginary conversation between Jessica and Honor is actually coming true. When your name is Jessica Alba you don't get into trouble for vandalizing. You blame it on others and then go home to your money pit of a husband who you deserve and who I hope bankrupts you soon.


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