Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jarret Stoll Comes Up With New Way To Cancel A Wedding

Don't recognize the name Jarret Stoll? He is the guy who was engaged to Rachel Hunter. I say was, because just seven weeks before the couple were supposed to get married, Jarret called the whole thing off. Sounds sad, but not unprecedented. What was a new move though was that Jarret never came out and told Rachel why he was canceling it. The way she found out the wedding was cancelled was when someone showed her an e-mail that Jarret sent out to all their invited wedding guests stating it was cancelled.

See, this is the part that is confusing to me. The couple lived together in a house they bought together. So, what, were they living together and he just said, ""I'll be right to bed honey, just give me a few more minutes on the computer." Five minutes later the e-mail was sent and the wedding was cancelled?

See, someone on Rachel's side is telling the tale to make her look good. She might be the good one in all of this, but it seems obvious they weren't living together and so Jarret sent out an e-mail saying they weren't getting married. That to me seems like a pretty natural thing to do if you have been living together and one of you moves out. Chances are you aren't going to keep that wedding scheduled. Although, if you have paid for the reception already, then it is perfectly acceptable to have a party, and you know, maybe you can find someone new at what was supposed to be your reception. Yeah, that sounds like a guy move doesn't it? Hitting on women at what was supposed to be your wedding reception. Smooth.


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