Friday, June 05, 2009

Is Jessica Simpson Pregnant?

I want to make it very clear that this is not a Jessica Simpson fat story. I don't write those kinds of stories and I believe that everyone is beautiful no matter the size. I am a huge f**king guy and so I am the last person who would ever dare to call anyone overweight. This is just a drunken conversation with friends on Thursday night turning into a Friday morning post because there is not a great deal of which to talk.

The first picture was taken over the weekend in Dallas. I think the important thing to note is that Jessica looks fuller in the face and is covering her stomach. The second most important thing is that she is with Tony Romo and that has been kind of an iffy thing the past few months.
The picture above was taken two nights ago at Nobu, which is a sushi place and so would probably be a strike against. However, as was pointed out to me last night, they have other fish besides raw tuna. Jessica has brought out the very large bag and a jacket and is playing the SMG to full effect.

The two pictures below were taken last night. Again we have the big bag and there are no head on shots at all. The jeans look tight, but the shirt, at least in the uppermost photo does look like it extends outward. Again, we also have another Tony Romo appearance. I'm not sure, so I will let all of you experts decide.


  1. She's just fat not pregnant.

    If they get married in the next two or three weeks, then I'll believe it.

  2. She had to ask if 'chicken of the sea' was chicken or tuna, so would she know not to eat certain kinds of fish?

  3. LOL @ Robert.
    Not preggers. Are you kidding? This girl is so publicity hungry, that a mysterious source (her dad) would've came out to the tabloids alluding how she might be preggers. But then again, Tony prob said if she did that, they'll be caput for good. So who knows? But my bet is that she isn't.

  4. I may be wrong, but I thought that first picture came out a while ago...

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Not pregnant, just fat. Tony has to know how desperate she is to keep a man and stay relevant, so I'm sure he wraps it twice.

  6. Let's all pray that she's not preggers. There are enough idiots in the village already.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I don't think she's pregnant...I don't think Tony is that stupid.

    And for god sake the girl is not fat. Maybe put on a few pounds but she's not obese.
    Her career is done and now she is just trying to generate ANY publicity she can.

  9. Anonymous11:16 AM

    she's always carried big bags. I'm assuming they're filled with make-up and haircare products

  10. I agree with Emma and DNfromMN. The girl is NOT FAT, and bags are probably filled with makeup and hair care products. For God's sake, she advertises Proactive everytime I turn on the tv, so maybe she just needs a big bag for all the concealer she probably uses!

    Here is a thought. Why is anyone over a size 0 in this day and age labeled as "fat"? Give me a break. Marilyn Monroe was a size 14 and people weren't labeling her as fat. Lot's of us would be perfectly happy having a body like Jessica's. Give it a rest.

  11. She wishes she was preggers. Then she could bag her man just like her sister did. Joe Simpson's probably poking holes into the condoms as we speak.

  12. Not fat and not pregnant.

  13. i'm with masters. it worked for her slut sister and she probably would love nothing more. daddy poking holes in condoms is actually a good bet. her career is in the crapper and romo has to be loaded but she hasn't quite been able to close the deal.

  14. Jenn, I'm sorry to burst your Marilyn bubble, but she most certainly was not even close to today's size 14. A size 14 from that time would translate to approximately a size 8. At her heaviest (when she was pregnant) she was 140 lbs and would've worn a size 12 (by today's standards).
    That said, I agree that the labelling of those who wear anything above a 0 is INSANE and that Jessica Simpson is not fat, not in the least.

  15. She doesn't look fat, pregnant, or happy. Poor soul.

  16. I don't think she's fat, she just wears incredibly unflattering clothing.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Um, that first photograph came out MONTHS ago... It made the rounds, same for # 3 & 4.

  19. Jewels.....I thought the same thing. Laney had the first photo up months ago.

  20. What the hell is up with all the "fat" and "slut" talk? Did I come to the wrong blog?

    I don't think she's pregnant, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it turns out she was.

  21. she's just a little chunky, enty. doubt seriously she's pregs.

  22. nancykate, I agree that picture is from 2008.
    No Jessica is not preggers.

  23. WbotW's comment is so true--my ex once bought me a vintage shooting jacket that was a size 6 thinking it would fit me but I could barely get one arm into it, it was so tiny! Sizes are definitely different now than they were 40 or more years ago.

    Also, any of y'all sewn any clothing lately? You'll flat-out DIE when you put your measurements onto the correct pattern sizes. A 6 in bought clothing is like a 14 or something in sewing pattern sizes! Don't buy a pattern until you match your real measurements up to the charts properly, otherwise you'll cut all your shit wrong.

  24. I know, when I try on costumes for the show chorus I sing in, I always have to get them several sizes up from what I'm used to. In the store I am a 12-14, but in costumes (which are sewn for us by a tailor), I'm 18-20. Shocking the first time, but now I don't care so much about numbers anymore, as long as it looks good on me.

  25. I took my niece on vacation a few years back. During the trip, she got her period (sorry, guys), and I tell you, I never saw anyone just blow up overnight. Seriously, she only had one pair of jeans with her that she could even squeeze into. Her butt got huge and everything. A few days later, she was back to her normal size 0 petiteness.

    So I wouldn't be at all surprised if something like that happens to Jessica Simpson, and she feels self-conscious about it and sticks that bag in front of her.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if she was pregnant. It wouldn't be the first time a man left the birth control up to the woman.

  26. i cant see the damn pics because of our server at work blocking them, but i had to put in my two cents.
    first off-Enty i fucking love you for taking a stand and not courting to the 'jessica is fat' audience.

    second- i've thought she was knocked up for awhile.

    third- i have her,ashlee and Tina Simpson on my twitter (don't fucking ask) and there has been some weird tweets between them lately...

    i say good for her, shes never done anything to me or any of us to receive all the shit she gets.

  27. I'm jumping on the she's not fat, could be pregnant train. She looks healthy, not anorexic. I can't remember if it was the local news here or one of the national broadcasts that did a story about pregnorexia. I can't believe how ignorant some girls/women can be about their baby's health. Stop being so damn vain! Pregnant is beautiful. I like Jessica...can't stand her dad. No she's not all that smart but how does that make people that criticize her any better??

  28. Jesus H those are some big purses. She could be carrying a baby in there and no one would know.

  29. If she got preg just to hang onto Tony that's just sad. I haven't seen her really happy lately. It will be a pity if she thinks a baby will fix it make it all better.

  30. She could just be hiding her belly because she's self-conscious about that part of her body. It's no wonder, with so many people publicly criticizing her slightly expanded form.

  31. I have found that when I sew outfits/costumes they are HUGE and I always have to take them in! I wear an 8/10 in store bought clothing and the patterns always say that I'm a 12 or 14. But then when the sewing is finished they are way too big! Has anyone else has this problem?

    Back to Jessica, I truly hope that she isn't pregnant (ESPECIALLY if it is for publicity reasons!).

  32. I actually think she looks better now than she did before, and she def looks better than her sister!

  33. Tony looks out of shape in that last picture - when do football teams start training?

  34. selenakyle: Aww, that was sweet of your ex.

    I have a vintage Lilly Pulitzer skirt that's a size 10 and it was too small for my size 6 self. Or at least, I THINK I'm a size 6.

    I'm all confused now.

    Not that it really matters. I'll wear whatever size, as long as it fits.

  35. She's pregnant. I'm fat. When you get fat, the weight seems to distribute all over, and for women, you often get lumpy. Her stomach is round and firm seen in People. She has HUGE BOOBS and a full face. She is beautiful and some might say she is glowing. She is with child....for sure.
