Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm Not A Fan Of Entertainment Tonight

Entertainment Tonight is one of those shows that is no better than Kneepads Magazine, but every once in awhile someone over there decides they need to be the lowest of the low tabloid weekly. They did it when they acquired the Heath Ledger tape which allegedly showed Heath taking drugs. Why would you even bother except to get ratings? It had no relevance to his death and was simply a way to capitalize on his death. Those are two very different things.

They have done the same thing again with Michael Jackson. No, not him using drugs, but instead promoting to the world their acquisition of the last photo of Michael Jackson alive. Why? I don't understand why they would feel the need to show a guy on a stretcher attached to tubes and about to get CPR. Do they feel this is news? How so? We already know what happened from the house to the hospital so I am unclear why we need to see a picture of it happening. All it is doing is exploiting his death for money, and not anything else.

I guess maybe I would feel differently if it was a story about him dying and the efforts of the paramedics and they showed the picture. The problem I have is the entire death story they wrote is headlined with Michael Jackson: Exclusive Last Photo. You should be so proud. Then on Twitter they congratulated themselves on getting such high ratings. That doesn't make it right.


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