Wednesday, June 03, 2009

If, If, If, If, If, If Then Brad And Angelina Are Finished - Oh and The Obama's Also

Last week the National Enquirer talked about Brad and Angelina being in love. I'm guessing the issue didn't sell very well and so this week they have them divorcing. I mean one of the options has to work right? It's funny that much of the same information they cite in this week's issue as a reason for a breakup was available last week also when they spoke about their love.

Here is what The Enquirer has to say with my commentary added.

After months of behind-the-scenes battles, it’s finally over between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Don't you love behind the scenes battles? They are the best.

Hollywood’s most glamorous power couple - who never married despite having six children - have grown tired of trying to gloss over their problems following five tumultuous years together, say sources.

I love how they take a dig at them for not being married despite having kids. The funny thing is the way they use sources above it could be the source told them the couple was together five years or they never married or that it was tumultuous. I guess it is up to us to decide what they meant.

Brad and Angelina are going their separate ways with the hope of reuniting in the future if they can repair their volatile relationship, disclosed an insider.

See, here is the first qualification. IF they can repair their relationship they will stay together. I find that to be true with most people.

“They will make it official. It looks like Brad will be shooting two movies in California and in the Amazon, while Angelina is retreating to their French chateau with the rest of the family.

“It’s an official split.”

Well you could call it a split right now. There is a huge difference between a split and a divorce or legal separation. She is in new York and he is in LA. That is a split and it is official. They want to make it sound like they have confirmation from spokespeople which is why they use that word.

If the strong-willed couple can’t find a way to get back together, sources say the breakup could turn into an ugly court battle over their $200 million fortune and the custody of their six children.

Qualification #2. IF they can't find a way to get back together. It is the same damn line as above except they used a different word for repair. Qualification #3. IF they can't get back together, there COULD be an ugly court battle.

The deciding moment for the pair came when they had strained words with each other while in Cannes, France for the screening of Brad’s new movie Inglourious Basterds.

Umm, has anyone here not had strained words with their significant other. They didn't even try and use the word argument. What the hell is strained? Did one of them have a sore throat and couldn't get the words out?

They put on a romantic show in front of the media, but Angie, 34, and Brad, 45, become frosty as soon as the spotlight was off, say friends.

Become frosty means they don't fake smile for the cameras anymore. Notice also they don't say they become frosty to each other, just frosty.

A jealous Angelina was said to be incensed over the attention Brad was getting from other women, having argued recently over Brad’s continued contact with ex-wife Jennifer Aniston.

Please. They both have people always wanting their attention. I love how they managed to get a Jennifer Aniston reference in there though. I'm surprised they didn't put her on the cover saying she was the cause. That is how they want it to appear in this sentence.

“Brad and Angelina will make appearances together from time to time, and he’ll meet up with the kids when he can. But make no mistake, this is a major split,” disclosed the insider.

Now it is a major split. If it is an official split or major split why would they need to make appearances together? I will tell you why, because that way even when you see them together you will know it is all for show. This story makes no sense at all.

And in case you are interested they say that the marriage between the Obama's is a sham.


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