Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Hooker For Jesus Getting Married

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you crossed the guitarist from Stryper with a former hooker turned minister? Yeah, I know. I stay up late at night thinking about it as well. I mean who doesn't. Well it turns out they end up getting married. This Friday, Stryper guitarist Oz Fox is marrying Annie Lobert. Annie worked as an escort in Las Vegas for 11 years before deciding to become a minister. She also was the founder of the ministry known as Hookers For Jesus.

Funny enough she is releasing a book this year called Hookers For Jesus which is her biography but which many pastors and ministers thought was a clergy version of the erotic services section on Craigslist. Whoops.


  1. Interesting.
    Change of topic...
    Wasn't there a blind item from here about a female actress who was so broke she will be seen everywhere pimping products? Has anyone noticed Brooke Sheilds has about 6 commercials for various products? Just wondering if its me.

  2. now there's a book title, i so had to lol...but meh, i got nothin'. hookers need love too so here's to hoping she's happy with the big-haired rock dude.

  3. I think Jesus would have probably been very enthusiastic about "Hookers for Jesus." They would remind him of his old buddy Mary Madgalene.

    Maybe there's a group of Christians at the IRS who call themselves "Tax Collectors for Jesus."

  4. bits of moxy, I thought of that also when I saw her hawking toothpaste & towels. Odd choices there.

  5. Have you seen Brooke in the eyelash growth commercial? That really had me wondering.

    Doesn't she do a sunscreen commercial too?

  6. wasn't Stryper a christian rock band??

  7. I suppose Chapter Three of book is something like:

    Multitasking for the Lord:Other things to do on your knees while praying. ;)

  8. "Swallowing Your Sins".

    Anybody see Jimmy Fallon the other night when he asked a guy in the audience what was the last concert he saw? Stryper! Both Jimmy and I were surprised to hear they were still around, because we roll like that.

    Stryper came to my high school. In the late '70s/early '80s.

  9. Wow, I was thinking the same thing about Brooke being in like 6 diff random ad campaigns.

  10. Wow, my DH was telling me about the lash commerical last night and we thought the same thing re:Brooke.

    ok ok I know it was on during I'm a celebrity get me outta here ..I just wanted to check out Frangela since they are on Stephanie & Mooks.

    I can't watch though. Any show with even a slight chance of the seeing the vapid,frothing,crazyeyed Spencer and dipshit wife I won't be watching. "I'm to rich and famous for this show, we are on the level of Angie & Brad' "I prayed to party with Miley and we did"

    ugh,I feel so sorry for their families. And yes I know it's all scripted and they are prob. Producers but ugh they are gross.

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  13. D.! this is so rich for comedy.

    ps yes stryper is religous rock

  14. It's typical for people to misbehave, feel guilty then find God. Despite their reaction to it, it's really not that surprising or incomprehensible.
