Monday, June 15, 2009

Heidi Montag Hates Al Roker - Ryan Seacrest Sucks

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt were on the Today Show this morning. Apparently the incident was so traumatic for Heidi that she cried for hours after the interview and complained to Ryan Seacrest that all women should be afraid to be near Al Roker. While at some point in his life, I am sure food feared to be around Al Roker, I am pretty confident that women can feel safe around the guy.

After reading what Heidi said, I had to watch the interview on Today because I guessed that Al must have slapped her or called her names or fondled her inappropriately. So, for all of you I watch an almost six minute clip of Speidi. Normally I would say that it is 6 minutes of my life I won't get back, but in this case, what I saw was Al doing the best he could to make sense of Speidi and trying his best to conduct a two minute interview. Although the entire clip is 6 minutes, the actual interview is closer to two or three and Heidi is spoken to by Al for about 45 seconds. I didn't see anything that would necessitate Heidi saying what she said about Al.

I saw a guy trying to do an interview with someone who was used to saying what she wanted to say and not someone who was accustomed to actually answering questions. Al didn't let her get away with it, but Ryan Seacrest did.

I am actually more pissed at Ryan Seacrest for allowing Heidi to get away with this quote.

"I really would advise women especially to be careful around him because I feel like he definitely came and attacked me and I did not appreciate that at all."

He didn't have her explain what she meant. Someone who just tunes into Ryan's show and hears that is going to think Al actually did attack her either verbally or physically or both and Ryan didn't even call her on it. Al Roker did nothing wrong. Nothing. Ryan Seacrest though was probably too busy looking in the mirror or fixing his hair or wishing he was sleeping with Spencer to actually say one damn word about it. You can't just let an accusation like that go unchecked. You have to ask why. He didn't because he sucks. Ryan Seacrest needs to personally apologize to Al Roker for not calling Heidi out on it and letting people who didn't watch the Today Show think that Al Roker actually did attack her when nothing could be further from truth. Be a man Ryan and apologize to Al. Have him on your show tomorrow and let him have his say.


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