Friday, June 12, 2009

Heidi Montag Getting Naked For Playboy - Tastefully

Yesterday when I heard the news that Heidi Montag had actually posed naked for Playboy and was going to appear in the September issue I cracked a little smile. No, not at the thought of seeing her naked, but for the fact that this is the end. I can't believe she already played the Playboy card. The Playboy card is when you are on your last gasp of celebrity and need it to keep going or you are so far gone that the only way to return to the collective conscience is to get naked.

The only thing that worries me is that she might have only gone topless. "There is nudity. It's tasteful – she had a lot of fun with it." The source saying nudity though instead of topless kind of gives me a little hope. See, here is the thing. If you only pose topless than you get another chance at Playboy. Hello Aubrey O'Day. If you get completely naked then the only thing left is soft porn which is where she is headed. I'm shocked they pulled a Playboy before The Hills had run its course. Maybe they thought she would never get a higher offer than she did now. Not that Heidi will ever see any of the money. Somehow I think Spencer controls the money in the family and is another reason he really wanted to marry her. Now he gets half of her Playboy money even though he isn't the one getting naked.

So, because she posed for Playboy now it means that when The Hills ends and it will end, so will Heidi. She has nothing left to do which is why I can't believe she didn't wait until after the show ended. Spencer will be around because I have a feeling he is going to go through a series of Heidi's over the next few years.


  1. Speidi bugs me SO much, and it’s hard for me to pinpoint exactly why. I think it’s that they *really* think they’re superstars, that they’re relevant in a good way.

    The other thing that bothers me are those homemade music videos they keep releasing. Are they SERIOUS about that crap? Seriously, are they???

  2. oh Heidi what would Jesus say ?

  3. Yawwwwwwwn.

    Enty~ surely these twats don't deserve any more attention especially from a class guy like you?

  4. Tits4Jesus!

    ya i predict The Hills has one more season now with Kristin Cavallari and then kaput.

  5. i can barely look at her. she was actually a cute little thing back before she did all this shit to herself. no talent, of course. i'm just talking about her looks.

    i hate them both. but they're cashing in on what qualifies as stardom these days, which means having no talent whatsoever, but working the media to your advantage and getting paid for it.
    they've paid close attention to paris hilton and it's worked.

    it says something about the culture. and not anything good.

  6. So this is good news, then! Their 15 minutes is almost up!

  7. Actually, this will lay the groundwork for her to continue showing up at Playboy parties after The Hills (which I have never watched) ends, and to make a "triumphant" return to the pages of Playboy sometime the following year, probably using photos that were taken at that first shoot.

    After all, I guarantee that her appearance will be record breaking. It will sell the most copies of Playboy featuring a former star of the Hills in the month of September EVAR.

  8. Playboy won't show her bush because everyone's already seen it.

    Did you really think that was Spencer's beard?

  9. How does she justify this when she talks about being oh so Christian? That's probably a question interviewers aren't allowed to ask HER either.

  10. i really would like the opportunity to smack the mtv exec who thought putting them in a staged reality show was a good idea.

  11. She's recording the baseline. Then she (thinks) she can come back after delivering her litter of octuplets and having a tummy tuck. Then she (thinks) she'll come back again at 40. Etc.

    Oh, there will be octuplets. I can see it now, in the Dr's office with the petri dish of fertilized eggs, Spencer saying "put in 30 doc!" cuz he's not taking any chances.

  12. Heidi bugs me and I feel sorry for her. She is obviously controlled by a self-hating homo. Spencer just needs to go away far far far farrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away so we don't have to see that annoying caca face of his ever again!!!!

  13. I'd bet money this was the Spencewhore's idea. He gave her the "it's art or do it for me baby" line of BS.

  14. This girl and her guy are so ugly. Who'd really want to see her in Playboy? Eww.

  15. well the good news is that she only showed 'lots of skin' but not her muffin or tits.


  16. Playboy has officially scraped the bottom of the barrel.

  17. There are (a few) people who have made Playboy a career starter, but they seem to have personalities and talents.

    Actually, doing the Playboy thing can't be too bad if you've already been used up and you're ready to start squirreling away money, end your career and live off of investments.

    In any case, I'm more than ready for the day when we can all say, "Spencer and Heidi who?"

  18. Did this idea come to her in a dream where the power of Christ was all over her? (Apparently she had a dream like that while in Costa Rica.) If she can't see Spencer for who he is, she deserves to get exploited.

    I predict one or the other will have a "reality" dating show after their divorce (which will happen), but of course by that time, dating shows will be passé. Maybe Heidi will do one on the Playboy channel.

  19. Why wouldn't she go topless? She paid good money for those boobs.
