Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Gordon Ramsay Ticks Off Australia

I think the last time an entertainer managed to piss off a country so bad would have been when Sacha Baron Cohen ticked off Kazakhstan. Gordon Ramsay has gone way further though. Gordon Ramsay has managed to piss off Australia to such an extent that the Prime Minister of Australia started insulting Gordon.

I really can't even begin to describe what happened because I don't have the time, but I do have links (which have some great pictures and quotes) and videos. The highlights are that Gordon was on a morning show to do some cooking. While there he insulted the crew of the show, told the female weather person she should rub olive oil on her nipples when running, and was ticked off the female host of the show didn't fall for his advances.

That is just the tip of the iceberg though. All weekend long, Gordon hosted a food show at this fair and had pictures of a pig superimposed on a naked woman on all fours and called her Tracy Grimshaw. He also had other pictures of pigs which he referred to as her and bad mouthed her constantly.

After a weekend of getting slammed like this, Tracy took to the airwaves and let Gordon have it and talked smack about the way he treats women and his wife and how they are nothing but objects to him and that he considers all women lesbians if they don't sleep with him.

At some point yesterday Gordon threatened legal action and then the Prime Minister of Australia got involved and called Gordon a lowlife. I would be surprised if he ever is allowed in Australia again.


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