Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Four Year Old Turkish Boy Gets Hit By A Car And Isn't Hurt - Video

I promise there is not one violent or gruesome part to this video. It is the most amazing thing you have ever seen. A four year old boy from Turkey was walking down the street two days ago when a car swerved to avoid a puppy (that's what the driver says anyway) and hit the boy. The camera shows the boy after he has been hit by the car and gets thrown down a flight of stairs with the car tumbling after him. The boy then gets up and goes home.

His parents heard about the car accident because it isn't everyday a car goes down a flight of stairs, but it wasn't until the next day they even knew their kid was hit. It wasn't until they saw the video you are seeing that they realized it was their son. The most amazing one minute report ever.


  1. What was a 4 year old doing walking downtown by himself?

  2. They were in a store.

  3. youtube is blocked at my work,damnit.

  4. that little wee one needs to go play the lotto. wow!

    but i'm w/ Goodgrief...what was a little 4 yr old doing out and about alone?!

  5. saw this on the news yesterday,i think it was in another country. in some countries little kids run around by themselves all the time.
    just like in some neighborhoods in the states you can let your kids actually play outside. or enjoy your own yard. or walk around the block (and i'm talking adults, here!).

  6. WOW... I'm speechless.
    But anyway, meet the next superman!

  7. I'm sure things have changed, but when I was in Turkey, there were no speed limits, and there were accidents all the time. Taking the bus from Istanbul to Izmir, we saw 3 or 4 bodies lying beside the road, covered with newspapers. And when we drove through the mountains, there were cars wrecked all over the place. I actually heard a little boy get hit and killed one night. The highway running through town was on the corner of our block, and there was no fence of any kind, or even a rise in the ground level. This little kid is seriously lucky.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Where did the video come from? A security camera?

  10. wow. amazing story -- and what a beautiful little boy. *maternal lust kicks in* I WANT HEEM. *sighs* i am so tired of teenagers. lol.
