Friday, June 05, 2009

Four For Friday - Parenting Edition

#1 & #2 - This intense B list movie and sometime television actor takes parenting very seriously. He knows the reputation of bars and clubs in Hollywood to serve underage celebrities. So, to make sure his B list actress daughter doesn't drink he calls ahead to wherever she is going and makes sure they know they will be in for a world of hurt if they serve her booze.

#3 - She might not always be the best role model as a mother, but this former B list movie actress with A list name recognition is extremely controlling when it comes to the location of her kids. Not only does she have GPS trackers on the cell phones of her kids, she also doesn't allow them to go out at night unless she or a parent is with them. She knows what kind of mistakes she made as a teenager and doesn't want her kids to make the same mistakes.

#4 & #5 - At the opposite extreme from the above parents is this B list movie and television actor who has been around forever. While raising his C list actor son, he had only one rule. Don't get arrested. Other than that he didn't care if or when his child came home or what he did as long as he didn't get caught.


  1. Yay for the first two parents, boo for the third!

  2. 4&5- James and Scott Caan

    that's all i got

  3. i think number 3 should be Melanie Griffith, but somehow Ent would put Antonio Banderas in the blind too

  4. I was thinking Ryan O'Neal and son for 4&5

  5. #3 has been done as a blind before, I think.

  6. 1&2- Bruce and Rumer Willis?

  7. #1 & #2 - bruce and rumer willis (i'm just not sure rumer is B-list)
    #3 - demi moore

  8. I think #3 sounds like Nicole Kidman...former B-list (maybe a fall after Australia), definite A-list for name recognition; not an ideal role model as a mother (for Connor/Isabella, her teenage children with Tom Cruise); the plural "kids" are old enough to have cell phones; to go out at night, the kids must have "she or a parent" (implying more than one other parent of her kids besides her exists, i.e., Tom and Katie) present...

  9. #4&5: i like your idea,Empyrios! James Caan & Scott
    #3: i like Melanie Griffith gess!
    1&2# Eric Roberts with Emma Roberts!

  10. Actually, seeing Kai's comment, I think Demi is a better guess than my 1st one.

  11. Bruce is A-List at least (Die Hard franchise) and Rumer isn't even C-List in my opinion.

  12. i change for Kai idea:Demi Moore for #3( because she was a wild party girl)

  13. Pam Anderson for #3?

  14. I agree with liloleme for #4 & #5 ~ definately the truly disfunctional O'Neals.

  15. 1 and 2 can also be Eric and Ema Roberts....i love him!!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Redmond O'Neal is not an actor.

  18. As much as I love Eric Roberts, I don't think he even sees Emma very much...thanks to her aunt.

  19. 1 & 2. I think Eric/Emma Roberts fits best with the B list status for both! Rumer would be a D.

    #3. Not sure, but I think it must be someone with a reputation as a not great role model - i.e. worse reputation for it than Demi. Also sounds like it's someone who's retired (former B list).

    4&5. The Caans is a great guess.

  20. ahh, you're right pusssycat~ Redmond doesn't fit~ Caans for the win.

    Still standing up for Pam on # 3 though.

  21. oh crap.

    Movie actress rules Pam out.

    Back to the drawing board.

  22. i again change(LOL) for # 3 guess for Kittenkeane idea:Pam Anderson for #3


  24. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I like the Caans for 4&5. Scott's kinda a wild child. I don't know that Jimmy would've had any control over him anyway.

    I hope #1-3 get revealed in a month. I'd like to send them a cookie.

  25. 1 and 2 are very refreshing.

  26. 1-ron howard
    2-bryce (only works if BI is old tho)
    3-pam anderson
    4-martin sheen
    5-sheen offspring, charlie maybe?

  27. Ron Howard is definitely an A list director, not a B list movie actor.

  28. #1 Eric/Emma Roberts.

  29. In interviews, its' commonly stated that Eric Roberts did little to raise Emma so I don't think it's them.

    I would say #2 could be Madonna except for the actress part!

  30. 1&2 - Alec Baldwin and his vile little pig!

  31. I'm with Kai for the Willis/Moore/Kutcher clan for 1-3. No idea for 4-5.

  32. Not Alec for #1 .. he's not a "sometimes" TV actor. He's on it a lot.

    Melanie's a good fit for #3.

  33. I don't think #3 is Demi Moore. First, it's written in the present tense -- "might not always be the best role model" with the movie reference as "former B-list movie actress." I don't think Demi has done anything un-role-model-like in years. If anything, she's a role model for putting her family first, looking amazing for her age (natural or not), and projecting herself publicly as a very caring, positive person.

    Melanie doesn't fit for #3 if you consider her underaged daughter was photographed smoking alongside her. Also, Melanie's acting roles are few and far between now.

    Pam Anderson makes more sense as she continues to be a bad role model and is no longer acting in movies. I don't think she's B-list for movies -- C-list at most, no? But her kids are 11 and 13, which is definitely cell phone age. Whoever this blind is, is someone who has managed to keep her children relatively obscured. Pam fits this -- you *never* see her kids photographed.

  34. #4 & 5 The Busey's (Gary and Jake) perhaps? Thought I'd throw this out there since I hadn't seen it posted yet.

  35. Eric and Julia Roberts are in good times since she became a mother. And he actually fought in Court over custody of Emma. He seems to admit Julia had her right to side with his ex girlfriend because he was an addict at the time...

    Pamela was B list televison actress, i just remember 2 movies that Pamela starred in.

    Demi or Melanie makes more sense. Somehow i believe it is Melanie

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. As far as parenting methods are concerned, I disagree with most of the comments. Overprotective parents are just asking for their kids to rebel. I'm not saying they should be as lenient as #4, but I've seen a lot of my friends do drugs and go wild, in spite of how strict and paranoid their parents are.

    As for the guesses, I know I'm beating a dead horse, but #1-3 don't fit Willis clan.

  38. I still like Eric and Emma for 1 and 2. Whatever he may have done/not done in the past may be be different from the present. She might not see him all the time but if she's with him one weekend and says, "I'm going out with some friends", I can see him doing this. Would you really want to piss of Eric Roberts?

    Melanie may let her daughter smoke with her around (some parents do), doesn't mean she's not concerned about where she's at. Thing is though, only the youngest is under 20 years old.

    4&5 - nothing really jumps out other than the Caans.

  39. Actually, Redmond O'Neal has had a couple of small acting parts thanks to his mom.

  40. Maybe not Redmond but Griffin O'Neal might fit, though I don't know how much acting he's done.

    Nicole Kidman, whether you like it or not, has won an Oscar and is A+++ list.

    For #3, I thought of Tatum O'Neal, but she's won an Oscar and should be A list, but she has done nothing for such a long time. Maybe her A slipped to be but she still has the name. Would not be a role model because of the drugs.

  41. A slipped to B, I meant.

    Plus Nicole's older children live with Tom and Katie in the Scientology bubble, not with Keith and Nicole.

  42. I recall the whole issue with Julia and Eric Roberts goes back to him kicking his very pregnant girlfriend to the curb in her 8th month of pregnancy. Julia took her in and financially support both Mother and daughter.

    Where as Eric Roberts didn't do shit for either one of them. And didn't care who knew it either. He hooked up with someone who had money and never looked back.

    Maybe he got his act together... but I seriously doubt that Julia is inviting him over for dinner.

    Plus Emma seems to have a firm grip on reality and not hanging out at bars trying to be the next Lohan.

    I love the guess of James and Scott Caan! for the last one...

  43. I would say Demi Moore is AList myself, after movies, like Ghost,etc.

    I think Melanie is BList and I know she would watch her kids like a hawk because of the Hollywood issue.

  44. I agree with who guessed Eric Roberts and his daughter for #1 and #2. I initially thought it was Bruce and Rumer, but Bruce Willis is definitely an A-list actor and Rumer Willis is NOT a B-list actress (more like F-list). Emma Roberts has her own tv show on Nickelodeon. And, I believe she has reconciled with her father, as has Julia Roberts. Eric Roberts definitely seems like the intimidating type to threaten a club like that too. Not sure about the b-list mom...I thought other than that clue it sounded like Demi Moore. James and Scott Caan seem to fit the final one.
