Monday, June 15, 2009

For A Second I Thought The Duggar's Were Having Another Kid

I read this headline in Kneepads and it stopped me cold. "Another Duggar Girl On The Way!" I thought to myself, oh please no. No more kids for these families on TLC. It turns out though it was just announcing the fact that the Duggar kid who got married found out on live television this morning the sex of the child he is having with his wife. Whew. I don't know why they had to do that on national television. Oh, wait a second. Yes, I do. I think the Duggar's might be feeling a little attention starved with all of the attention Jon and Kate are getting. I think that explains the reason why you had the married couple and his dad on television this morning plugging the heck out of their show.

Some very good news in all of this is that Joshua Duggar said that he and his wife will be happy with just two or three kids. I think she will even be more happy that she is not expected to try and have 18 kids. Of course unless they have like 10 or 11 they can probably kiss their television careers goodbye. Oh, wait someone who isn't going to have kids just to make money off them. That is a novel concept. To me as a television viewer I think I would be much more interested in a show about a day care center. That way those of you who want to watch 20 kids running around screaming can have that and the rest of us can watch as the cameras follow home some of the parents of the kids and the struggles they face everyday raising their one or two children on real paychecks and having to live a real life. Wait though. That is reality. We can't have reality on reality television. Reality is depressing. We would much rather watch some fairytale reality where two parents manage to raise 8 kids and yet have time to vacation all over the world live in a huge house and don't worry about anything except when they can get a spa appointment.


  1. that little dugger inlaw must feel all sorts of relief knowing her body isn't expected to be a circus clown car. as much as i disapprove of their quiverfull beliefs, i gotta say they appear way more mentally stable than that jon/kate mess.

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I think that's the appeal of the Duggar shows. There's actual love and care for each other. The appeal of Jon & Kate was their animosity.

  3. I really don't get any of these shows...but I'm not a big "reality" fan anyway...I don't need to see people fighting and a thousand kids running around...hell, I can stay home for that...

  4. Are Josh and his wife being paid to have the pregnancy test and sex of child announced on tv prior to them even knowing? And why does anyone care about the results?

  5. I'd like to see a reality show where the entire half hour is based upon random girls doing at home pregnancy tests. Because I've always felt my chants of "Yes! Yes! Yes! Not pregnant! Take that uterus!!" would make for great tv.

  6. aah! Thank you for the bash on how hard their perfect little money hungry lives are. Must be rough getting free plastic surgery, free vacations, free clothes, food, and so on. It must be so hard on them...

  7. *girl- i would so watch that! lol, that is the only time i've found God.

  8. you know the culture has about reached the bottom when babies become a means to an end----a ticket to fame and fortune for the parents.

    we have the duggars, who belong to some weird religion that's based on populating the planet with as many babies as possible.

    the gosselins who i refuse to comment on anymore.

    asshole celebrities like madonna who go shopping at orphanages for a new little kid to carry on their hip when the last one they bought gets too big.


  9. the Duggars' lifestyle and religion are not what I would choose for myself, but I do applaud their stability and love for each other and living their beliefs. to each her own.

  10. Okay, I am totally willing to whore myself out in the newest reality show--


    Think it will work? It doesn't actually matter that I DON'T have a fabulous life nor am I quite forty but dammit, I'm infertile and I make no apologies about that--it was my choice. Where are my reality shows, huh??

  11. Ent, after the day I've had - thank you. Something like that would be a ratings blockbuster with people who like quality television.

  12. When you read about the Quiver Movement that the Duggar's are involved in, it's all kinds of creepy and culty. Basically you turn women into brood mares, and if the family is poor and the children suffer that's fine because the man, head of the house gets to be closer to God.

    It's great TLC rewarded these freaks, and are helping to spread the word.

  13. I hate myself for knowing this... but the new daughter in law mention in this article... was married exactly 4 months when she got pregnant.

    Last week on the show it was part of the episode about her being disappointed that it require 4 months of shagging to get pregnant.

    What I love most about this show... is now those daughters of Duggar's have a chance of not ending up in marriages at 18 and having children within the first year of marriage.

    They may actually get to have a life outside of that house... raising their siblings.

    I always hold out hope one of them get to go to college or at least a 2 year program and see something else in their future besides being married to a domineering man and pushing out kids.
