Tuesday, June 23, 2009

***Final Tally****

As of 4pm Pacific time, the total amount donated was $6,956.92 which is $456.92 over the goal, and which will go to charity. Since all of you are the reason why the goal was made, it stands to reason that you should get to decide what charities should receive the excess funds. I have said thank you so many times over the past two days, not only here but in trying to respond to your e-mails and notes. I promise I will get to all of you, but there are so many people to e-mail it will take a few days. So many of you have shared what is going on in your life and said so many nice things and you did this whether you donated or not and I want to make sure I give you the same consideration that you gave me by taking the time to write or donate or both.

On Friday in Your Turn I will come up with a way for us to vote on charities. Also, out of the 426 people who donated, a considerable number donated $50 and I will e-mail you in the next week and get your information and to see which book you want and what the inscription should read.

I know many of you indicated you would like the donation button to remain, and that is very kind, but as I said yesterday, this was a one-time thing and my hope is that prior to next year's deadline that advertising picks back up and it won't be necessary to ask for your monetary help again. I will leave up the buttons until midnight and then will take them off the post.

I really don't know what else to say, except to say thank you.


  1. You rock, Enty...my day would be unendinly dreary without your wit at the end of it. Thanks, man.

  2. unendingly, even.

  3. Yeah...goal reached. Long time lurker- 2 1/2 years, but only posted twice. I was a reader photo last memorial day and enty even said I was nice looking. I love this site and am glad my measly $20 could help.

  4. Those two posts would be under another screenname which I cant seem to remember right now:)

    And I vote for veterans cause for the money...I maybe biased since I am a health care worker in the US Army.

  5. Please include animal charities too, Enty. Glad you made it! :-)

  6. Oooh, yeah!!! This is AMAZING! I'm so thrilled!

    I'm not quite sure what charity but maybe something to do with children (seeing as i have 2 ) missing kids, abused kids.. we'll see later on. But i'm just so happy we did it :)

  7. Anonymous4:45 PM

    AWWRIIIGHT! And I'll do my best, going forward, to get people advertising here.

    As for the donation, man, that is a tough call. I'm sure I won't have a problem with whatever is ultimately decided, but for now I'm going to go with Cooper's Mom - I think the place is called the Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

  8. Thanx to everyone that was able to donate. Have a blessed year everyone. You Enty R-O-C-K-!!!!!!

  9. That's good.....I think it would be nice if you donated the money to a foundation dedicated to children in some way.

    I hope there are people that will agree with me.

  10. My charity of choice is CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), an organization that helps the hundreds of thousands of kids in the foster care system, who truly don’t have anyone to stand up for them.


  11. I vote for spliting the donation between a small childrens charity and an animals charity which focuses on no kill shelters...Sooooo many animals given up due to the economy....I'm so proud of you all!

  12. I'd love to see a charity that focuses on childhood cancers. :)

    Thanks for the laughs Enty!

  13. Enty, I hope the economy rebounds for all of us but if it doesn't and you ever have to ask again, don't hesitate. The content you create is worth more / more meaningful and fun than most movies, magazines and books being produced these days. Thanks for reaching out and letting us contribute!

  14. i vote for anything child or animal related

  15. PS - I'm so excited... am going to the LA Film Festival screening and party for PUBLIC ENEMIES tonight. Will swoon over JD for all of us!

  16. I wanted to donate, but could not at this time. If there is any easy way to do it, I think only those who did donate should get to vote on which charity to select.

  17. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Just an FYI, Ent - I've used this for polling my classmates (rather than mass emails bouncing back and forth among 20 people).

    YourFreePoll.com (it's an offsite link so you don't have to figure out how to embed it).

    I've also seen people use twtpoll.com (but not sure how to use it)

  18. You're beyond awesome Enty!

  19. I hope in the future you don't hesitate to ask again since we gain so much from this site.

  20. Anonymous6:57 PM

    does anyone else feel like we've been rewarded for being good people with the banning of "those two"?

    by the way, everyone here rocks!

  21. i also vote for splitting between a children's organization and animals. good call there.

    thank you, enty, for the quality entertainment you provide on a daily basis. i'd read you even without pictures! but it's good to know that i won't have to!

  22. Yay, Enty. I would have donated but I'm outta work. Thanks to all the other readers who stepped up!

  23. I vote for the American Cancer Society or an epilepsy charity...


  24. i think it should be a global charity, just like your readers!

  25. Just a thought....

    "A Minor Consideration" is a non-profit, tax-deductible foundation formed to give guidance and support to young performers, Past, Present and Future. Child Stars must pick their parents with care. Family Education is the key ingredient to a productive future. The members of AMC are always "on call" to assist parents and their professional children on a 'No Cost basis.' By providing a strong emphasis on education and character development, plus helping to preserve the money these children generate, the members of AMC are always available to help with the tricky Transition issues that for many kid stars prove to be so troubling. "

    Tho if the charity succeeds there goes the gossip industry.

  26. YEA!! I am so glad my measly $20 helped get Enty to his goal and more...;-)

  27. No THANK YOU Enty for everything. This is my favorite site and I spend so much time here . . my home away from home if you will. You and your readers are awesome : )

  28. I'm so happy you surpassed your goal, Enty! Hooray for all the CDANers out there! Lurkers and posters.

    As for the charities, I'm biased. My top pick is Multiple Sclerosis, because my grandma had that. Second choice is any notable organization pertaining to Breast Cancer Education and Awareness.

    Regardless, any organization these CDANers pick I'm OK with. Much love to Enty and everyone!

  29. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I second Bionic Bunny!

    New reader as of two months ago...linked to your site from Dlisted....I quit Perez & now you're my source of juicy blinds during the dull workday...:)

  30. I vote we donate the extra money to the 'Get Kate Gosselin A New Wig Foundation'.

  31. http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/

    Just my 2 cents

  32. I donated some money as my birthday was Sunday so I pass it onwards. I only hope that the charities are ones that truly need it and don't use the money for top people & never filters down....

    I also say that Breast Cancer funds get enough money & am sick about hearing about breast cancer. I am in the Pharma industry so I know a lot about all ailments. There are more worthy, needy causes at this time where ~$500 would make a huge impact.

    Have a great night everyone & I am so glad that people that were able to donated and those who weren't able to sent their best wishes!!

  33. By the way, the last week of May I had a lump in my breast & had to have the whole diagnostic mammo and ultra sound. So I am not trying to sound insensitive to Breast Cancer.

    There are just so many other charities that need the money and I feel the Breast Cancer awareness has more than enough funds vs. other charities.

  34. I have paid a whole lot more for a lot of things less worthwhile than the fun I have here.

    It is worth the price of admission for New Years Day and the Fourth of July alone.

  35. Oh and as for a donation, maybe Kiva? Then it could be a gift that keeps on giving from the CDANites.

  36. Hi Enty, long time lurker- I was thinking this inspirational story of St Jude's would be a good cause to donate to? It's an African school in Tanzania which was started by an Australian woman a few years ago and has been struggling due to the GFC

  37. People...it's a done deal...the extra money is obviously going to the Church of Scientology! Especially the celebrity center. It's a no-brainer! ;)

    And rourke13, I recently had to go for the mammo/ultrasound and then I had to have 2 tumors surgically removed. Thankfully they were benign, but I don't think we can ever be 'tired' of hearing about awareness and education of an illness.

  38. No, thank YOU, Enty, for all you do for us readers. You go above and beyond to entertain and inform us, and your site is outstanding.

    I vote for an animal related charity, personally. So many animals are being given up because of the economy, and the charities are often forgotten as people reach out to help other people.

  39. Also glad my measly $25 was able to do us some good! Would go a little insane without this site.

  40. Oh I am so relieved! I have been out of town all week and was just catching up and about to donate a measley $10. I am so glad the awesome CDAN readers pulled this off! If this issue comes up again I will definitely contribute!

    WTG Readers!!!

  41. rourke13, congrats on your clean mammogram. It sounds like all the breast cancer awareness charities did their job to bring you in.

    Imagine all the woman who cannot afford the cost of mammograms and ultrasounds or simply do not know that they need one.

    Not that I am recommending that's where the money goes, but I think your words were rather harsh.

  42. P.S. I am also sick of hearing about breast cancer but some people have no choice.

  43. I'm glad you reached your goal, Enty, and glad I could be a very small part of it. I think it's great that you're donating the overage to charity - I have faith in the people here that it will go to something truly good...and not something like Madonna's charity! :-)

  44. YES. PLEASE, please, please donate to animal charities - especially no-kill shelters. And children's charities too. Two extremely worthy groups who can't speak for themselves.

    PS We love you Enty!

  45. Sorry I couldn't join in this time Enty but well done everyone!!

    I have to agree with Jax - an international charity would be ideal as it covers everyone who posts/reads here and not everyone is US based.

  46. I am so thrilled to be a part of this. As I told Enty, I am here many times every day, but I hardly ever post. I'm just not a very wordy person, but I love to read all the gossip and the comments. It really makes me feel like part of a community. A strange and quirky community, but none the less...

  47. What about the wonderful students at PS22, Art/Music. Oh hell I can think of so many good causes.
    Anyway, Good Job readers!

  48. Well, you closed it before I could donate. I hardly have time to check your site but once or twice a week, with 3 kids under 7, I am pretty busy! But what a break you give me! Thanks for everything, wish I could have given back!

  49. I didn't donate due to my own financial restrictions, but I wanted to thank:

    1. Ent for providing us with so much entertainment, conversation fodder, and especially new friends.


    2. everyone who donated. It is true what Bunny says - we would read you even without the pictures, Ent. Even if you had to resort to stick figure representations of people on the red carpet.

    I hope the ones who have donated the money are the only ones who participate in the Your Turn. Their money, their say. Thanks again, everyone.

  50. Sorry everyone if my words seemed harsh - I didn't intend to discount anything that breast cancer charities do. My point was more to say that there are lesser known charities & that ~$500 would have more impact immediately.

  51. Thrilled the goal was reached. I donated the most I could-which was very little as I'm on disability and I'm scraping by, just like we all are. At first I had reservations, but then I realized how many years I've been reading this, since the start, and how it got me through the roughest of times: a split, my father's passing, ovarian & cervical cancer, back surgery...the list goes on. Thank you, and I agree that the animals have been greatly overlooked during this recession. It would be nice to give back to the animals who enrich our lives so.

  52. I like the idea of the children at PS 22. Truly keeping arts alive in the schools.

    If that's not an option, then I vote for an animal charity.

    I am on the board for a local non-profit and I lost my dad to Huntington's Disease (hdsaok.com or hdsa.org) so I am partial to that illness and getting funds for research and awareness since it's hereditary, terminal and no treatment or cure are available. BUT I understand that's just my story and my interest. Animals touch us all!

    And THANK YOU Enty for always being here!

    P.S. how do I send and email to enty? Do I have to do it through Facebook?

  53. i think Oxfam is the best international charity as it covers children, adults, poverty,refugees, displaced people and basically injustice in general.

    that is what's happening the most right now overseas and i think we are so lucky to be in a place in which we never have to deal with civil unrest on this level.

    i don't want to minimize other causes in any way. any charity is a great thing.

    i just think there's so much going on right now regarding displaced people that Oxfam deals with directly and think the money would be most needed there.

    it was recently world refugee day on June 20th. if this charity is chosen i will match the contribution i gave to enty for Oxfam and would encourage others to do the same if possible.


  54. Oxfam sounds great. I love the matching idea empyrios.

  55. It's so hard to decide on a charity...so many good things out there. My vote is for pediatric cancer research. Another blog (www.princeliamthebrave.blogspot.com) chronicles the struggle of a 5-year-old boy who's had neuroblastoma for 2 1/2 years, and in fact just had a relapse. His parents have repeatedly metioned that pediatric cancer gets such a small portion of cancer research funding...

  56. I also vote for splitting it between an animal charity (I own 3 rescue dogs and a shelter cat, and they are the BEST), and a children's charity. For the latter, foster kids really need help.

  57. i've always known we had a really special CDAN community...but the last couple days have confirmed it beyond a shadow of a doubt.


    am so excited goal was met and surpassed. this news makes me so happy i wish i could reach across the screen and hug all of us.

    LOVE the idea of Oxfam!

    know you're loved, enty! know it, and know it well.

  58. Ooooh, love the Oxfam idea. Or the American Red Cross because they help way more than just people in the U.S. Also, there's another international (great idea, Jax) charity called Heifer International that works to end hunger by helping people all over the world establish sustainable food sources. Also, empyrios, brilliant matching idea. I'm on board with that one. Is there a way to do that, Benty, so that it all goes in one donation?

    I'm just so proud of all of us. *another HUGE group hug*

  59. i can't take all the credit for the matching idea

    i was inspired by Hilary during the first posting as she matched her contribution to Enty with her fav charity :)

  60. I just don't want us to get in a fight about which charities are worthwhile like happened last time with the animals vs. people debate. However this ends up being decided, I hope the people whose charities don't get picked won't be upset.

    I like the PS22 idea if it's possible, because that's something the blog already has a connection to. Not that I can't think of a dozen charities off the top of my head that are equally if not more important, I just think the decision is going to be very difficult. :)

  61. I wrote this very long reply and it got lost :( I am REALLY happy the extra money will go to charity. Personally I support a lot of local animal and family service charities but in this case, I think the money would be really appreciated by a charity/NPO that supports a population such as: mentally ill, rehabilitated former convicts, or the homeless. I say this because these types of organizations have a VERY hard time fundraising since the people they serve are unfairly stigmatized in society. With all of the gov't cutbacks the funding for these types of programs is really diminished and since they do carry a stigma, a lot of people will pass them over for more "friendly" charities-
    off my soap box- all charities deserve it!

  62. why not an enviromental cause, we all are affected by that!

    Moosh, as long as it isn't COS,PETA or Greenpeace, I'm cool.

    Even though it came out wrong...I can understand what rourke13 is saying, the spotlight does always seemt to shine on cancer and kids causes, which is wonderful and needed, but the $500 could make a huge difference to a small charity that doesn't have the same public interest.

    ooooh what ANONYMOUS??? lol.

  63. I think if we just do a vote...everyone should be ok (I hope).

    Enty-if you need statistics help, let me know! lol

  64. jax! YES, lol! omg, we could all go into save-a-scientologist mode. totally a CDAN crusade. love it!

    (altho i admit i'd be scared if xenu went after enty).

  65. ANYTHING that helps wanting children get food, medical care or just some love.

  66. Very many good ideas here. To add my own: Since this is a gossip site, wouldn't it be nice to know that the antics of the sometimes surprisingly employed celebrities helped a few of the many in the entertainment industry (from H'weird to B'way) who are in need of help?

    I vote for The Actors Fund


  67. Congrats Enty! It's too bad that douche-bag Perez can't use his undeserved fame to raise money for charity rather than just posting links on his site. I guess it's a step in the right direction, but not much effort on his part. Hopefully people will continue to donate so that we can give more to the selected charity.

  68. I also suggest a pediatric cancer research fund, or a women's shelter, or why not the "No H8" - campaign?

  69. The House Rabbit Society is an all-voluntary org that takes in deserted Easter pets and fosters them until adoption.

    They could use the bucks. Nobody ever helps them. :-(

  70. Count me in for matching my Enty donation for the charity. Genius idea.

  71. UNHCR, ECDC international, Genocide Intervention Network, or any refugee agency.
