Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett Has Died

Farrah Fawcett, who skyrocketed to fame as one of a trio of impossibly glamorous private eyes on TV's Charlie's Angels, has died after a long battle with cancer. She was 62.

Fawcett died at 9:28 a.m. PST at St. John’s Heath Center in Santa Monica, Calif. She had recently returned to St. John's for treatment of complications from anal cancer, first diagnosed three years ago.


  1. God rest her soul. I found it paricularly repulsive that Ryan wanted to marry her once he knew she wasn't going to make it.

  2. RIP sad

  3. So young.

    I grew up idolizing her. I had FF hair all through grade school.

    RIP pretty lady.

  4. Oh, no. RIP, Farrah.

  5. Aww, how sad to hear this.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear of her struggle for these past few years and of her death at only 62.

    I am shocked that TMZ knew about it less than 20 minutes after it happened. How does that work?

  7. Ms. Cool the women from The View heard about it and were discussing this morning. They were basically waiting to hear the word of her death.

    It seems quite a few people heard it was coming but so far sites like Yahoo have yet to pick it up.

  8. At least she is out of pain now.


  9. NOMD - But who told them? Did Ryan ONeal call the press? Did her "best friend"? Did someone from the hospital?

    If the love of my life died, I guess I wouldn't have TMZ on my call list.

  10. Wow, what life she led! RIP Farrah.
    I hope Ryan goes back to the obscure life he was living before he started capitalizing on her illness.

  11. Oh Farah, you are truly an Angel now, RIP

  12. RIP Farrah. I'm glad she's no longer in pain and the losers in her life crawl back under their rocks.

    It's sad that she was used to the end. I certainly hope Ryan didn't force her into marrying him.

  13. Ms Cool, a lot of times a doc will release the TOD depending on the famillie's wishes.

    either way who cares, RIP Farrah.

  14. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Rest in piece lovely lady. Screw Ryan for wanting to marry her right before she died. Sounds like someone wanted easier access to the life rights and ensuing cash.

  15. RIP Farrah. Man, I was really hoping some miracle would happen and save her. :(


  17. Prayers to her family, RIP.

  18. RIP, beautiful Farrah, you showed a lot of courage.

  19. I'm so sad. She hung on for so long I kept hoping she'd stick it out somehow.

    I hate it that Ryan will probably be on every news show pretending to cry. He's such an ass.

  20. You're right califblondy. They kept showing clips of him crying on The View today and tonight they are running a special on ABC about her which will definitely include lots of Ryan crying time.

  21. RIP Farrah.

    Sadly this means the Ryan train will be full steam ahead.

    I did read on tmz that they did not get married.

  22. RIP Farrah.... :(

  23. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I'm glad she didn't marry him. I hope she rests easy.

  24. RIP Farrah.

    An Icon from my childhood is gone.

  25. She did receive last rites yesterday so I am sure she was at peace when she passed.

    RIP Ms. Fawcett
    Your influence and style knew no bounds.

  26. I was really hoping she'd pull through.

    Glad they didn't marry, she knew better.

  27. I second JJ's comment. And add that I think Ryan is in her will, but hopefully she didn't give him control of her estate and it went to her family. You know Ryan only wanted to marry her to get his grubby hands on the rights to any marketing. I found his behaviour so foul.

  28. Bye Farrah--you shaped me and many blossoming girls in the mid-70's.

    The poster was simply one of the most iconic items in my childhood. It hung inside my own father's bathroom closet door for YEARS.

    It was up there with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders poster and Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman poster around the same era.

    Blow-drying was just becoming a thing we could do at home and everyone had to have that hair.

    I cringed, though (being in sixth grade) at the thought of ever having actual boobs let alone nipples that would ever get hard and show through a swimsuit. Didn't realize then how much men dig it!

    She will forever be an American Icon and I am sorry that fame got dirty for her in the later years.

  29. that was the second thought i had, did the marriage go through? so glad to hear it didn't.
    and i'm sure TMZ had someone at the hospital on death watch. you know what vultures the media are.
    i'm glad her suffering is over, be at peace, farrah.

  30. I know I will get railed for this one~ but I am curious how Tatum is feeling about this based on what she said in her book about Farrah.

    And for such a wonderful person, why did so many children in her care go awry?

    Just saying, but cancer is never a way to go, so I am glad she is no longer suffering.

  31. I'm not going to dignify that last ass*hole or his responses, except to say I see this same cancer in your future, as is fair.

    RIP Farrah.

  32. Anonymous12:08 PM

    RIP Farrah. I feel so sad for her father. Her mother passed away in '05, and her sister apparently died of cancer, too.

  33. RIP Farrah. You were a symbol of my generation's adolescence and you carried that mantle with grace, beauty and style. I envied you when I was 15; I admired you at 45. Wherever you are now, I know it's more peaceful than this life was for you.

  34. i didn't admire farrah fawcett, nor was i a fan. but i wouldn't wish her death on anyone. i'm glad for her sake it's over.

  35. She's definately in a better place now. As someone who is a bit too young to really have been a big fan I still find her iconic and beautiful. I second the thoughts that it is good that Ryan didn't get what he wanted.

  36. "Vex not others lest thee be vexed thyself"

    We all can only speculate what happened behind doors with this family~ and the great thing about free speech is that you always can voice your opinion.

  37. Very, very sad. RIP, sweet lady.

  38. To this day, when I see the Farrah poster I'm still awed by her natural beauty... she looked like that before easy plastic surgery, botox, veneers. No one on the scene today rivals her traffic stopping gorgeousness without a lot of help.

    That cancer is one of the most horrific forms. I'm glad her pain has ended.

  39. BREAKING NEWS - Michael Jackson dead:

    Who will be number three???

  40. TinselSass beat me to it.
    Farrah was a natural beauty. She messed herself up later in with plastic surgery, but she was stunning when she was younger.

    RIP Farrah.

  41. I have one word for Ryan. Karma. It's a bitch.

  42. RIP Farrah. I liked her. She was absolutely beautiful.

  43. Ed McMahon died Tuesday, so he was #1, Farrah #2, and Michael #3. At least now Patrick Swayze should have some time (hopefully).

  44. poor idol that few can compare to. rest in peace angel.

  45. I guess this cancer kicked her in the ass! Sorrry sorry sorry, seriously RIP and fuck you Ryan.
    Second whoever said she was a natural beauty, gorgeous and real looking.

  46. complications from anal cancer ?

    so she was ****** up the ***
