Thursday, June 04, 2009

Even In Kindergarten Kate Gosselin Chased Money & Fame

The headline is a bunch of crap as far as I know, but this Jon & Kate Gosselin thing has moved to beyond crazy. Star Magazine has a lengthy interview with Kate's ex fiance who sounds about as cool as Deanna Hummel's boyfriend.

Star wanted dirt on Kate and he didn't really have much. The couple started dating when Adam Miller was a senior in high school and Kate one year older. Kate then told him to propose so he did, but on her 21st birthday party she cheated on him with a guy in a Corvette so they broke up. He says that he did the breaking up, but he also said that Kate was always chasing the guys with money and a Corvette beat a Chevette so Adam lost.

Adam does want you to know though that Kate loved him for all the right reasons. "I spoiled Kate with gifts, like a diamond bracelet and a gold locket, and she loved that. I think one of the main reasons she liked me is that I had so much money flowing." It sounds like he had money flowing. I think you can get both of those items when you turn in enough tickets at Chuck-E-Cheese. I love it when someone says they had money flowing. He had so much money flowing that at least once a month he would take her out to Ruby Tuesday's. If she was really good to him he would go ahead and splurge on the salad bar. That extra $1.99 would have really set back a normal person. Good reason he had the money flowing.

These are my favorite kinds of interviews in tabloids. The person they dig up from ten years ago who wants their 4 minutes of fame and a quick $500. Love them.


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