Friday, June 19, 2009

Dina Lohan Is A Piece Of Work

To make this week complete I just need Michael Lohan to say something stupid and for Ali Lohan to get pregnant or arrested or something. In my Lohan Bingo game I don't have all the squares filled but it is getting close. Just because she can't shut up, Dina decided to give an interview to whomever would listen. Not too many it turns out, but she gives the best quotes money can buy.

Did you know that Lindsay's cell phone was hacked last month? Me either and I find it hard to believe because Lindsay tweets about pretty much damn near anything. I don't really care one way or the other. That isn't why I decided to write about Dina. Nope. That kind of quote can only get you so far in a post. It is this next quote that makes Dina a star.

"Lindsay is a 22-year-old girl who needs to live her life in peace. The tabloids need to leave her alone with all the lies and reporting with no proof."

Umm, if the tabloids left Lindsay alone she would hunt them down and find them. I think they would be perfectly happy to leave her alone. They don't really follow her outside Los Angeles anymore which is a damn shame because I have a feeling the real fun stuff happens overseas. I'm not sure what lies have been told by the tabloids but if they have then sue. Oh wait it has to damage her reputation too. That is going to be a tough one. Yeah. My bad. I forgot she doesn't really have much of one to destroy at this point.

Dina then throws out that Elle quote as a defense in support of Lindsay not stealing the jewels from the fashion shoot. She also says that any suggestion Lindsay is involved in the theft is defamatory, false, and unfair. I believe those might have been the same words she used when Lindsay was accused of stealing the fur. Oh, and wasn't there something else she was alleged to have stolen from some friends as well. Yes, in addition to what she stole from the Louis Vuitton shoot. The friends thing is different from the fur thing which is different from the Louis Vuitton thing which is different from the jewels thing.

To top the entire interview off, Dina gets screwed. No, not literally, but Kneepads ran the interview late yesterday afternoon and makes Dina look extremely stupid. Unintentionally I'm sure. "Lindsay has been home with me and her family for awhile now, celebrating her little brother [Cody's] confirmation and his 13th birthday."

Last I checked, Lindsay was in New York for like a day and has been out stalking Sam or hanging out with Seacrest or Brittny Gastineau at least the past two nights here in LA so, nice try Dina. Don't you just love how she throws in the church thing with Cody getting confirmed? Please. If Lindsay or Dina walked into a church there would be a fire like no other in history. I can't even picture them at a church service together. I'm surprised the Rapture didn't take place that day.


  1. I'm surprised the Rapture didn't take place that day.

    Oh my God Ent you slay me.

  2. teehee @ "If Lindsay or Dina walked into a church there would be a fire like no other in history."!

    lindsay is hellbent on self-destruction, which is a damn shame b/c at one point she was really talented. it's heartbreaking, really. doesn't she have ANYONE in her life that truly gives a damn? :(

  3. I know Lindsay is an adult and should be responsible for her own actions but with parents like hers is it any wonders she's turned out the way she has.
    God help her sister!

  4. the only person i hate more than this worthless twat lindsay lohan is her mother.

  5. um, I couldn't get past Lindsay is 22 year-old girl.

    Really? She looks older than I do at 36! I just can't believe the girl is ONLY 22!

  6. Ok, what in the world is Lindsay doing hanging out with Seacrest?!

    She is the oldest looking 22 year old I've ever seen.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Both are dirty. That is all.

  9. Oh, dirty and fucked up on drugs.

  10. the four horse's asses of the apocalypse.


  12. If she wants to live in peace then why do the Lohan's keep doing interviews and staging photo ops? If you whore out your kids don't be surprised when they act like whores.

  13. Did you see a day or so ago on TMZ that she and her brother were out shopping and pretending not to want attention, but he had "Lohan" printed on the back of his sweatshirt? You can add the little Lohan to your bingo board.

    She stole clothes from at least two people that I've heard about. (Apart from the fur(s).)

  14. LiLo has to be at least 30 by now. Someone is lying about her age.

  15. Cunt and Royal Cuntess both need to be tied together with a length of rusty barbed wire. Face to face, naked. Then someone needs to insert soiled inflatable butt plugs into both of their lie holes.
    Then I think it would be fitting to shove boot cleaners, you know the ones that sit by your door, into their asses. They should have a double headed dildo put into their nasty, infected slop holes, with the lubricant being Ben Gay and feces. They should both then be dragged by their tired ass, over processed, extension wearing fucking heads through a graveyard with dead skunks and glass littering the road. The should upon arrival at the end of the road be punted to the fucking end of the earth. Only I wouldn't do that to dead skunks.

  16. Does dina know that De-Nile is in Eygpt.

  17. god talk plus lohah talk = ewwwwww

  18. You all said what was on my mind...22 years old! Insane.

  19. deviladana, that just sounds like a typical night at the Lohan household. I doubt either would see it as anything less than a good time.

    Someone ought to toss an eightball in the bottom of a pool and let them go at it.
