Thursday, June 18, 2009

Denise Richards Talks To Her Mom - Through A Psychic

Denise Richards talks to her mom. Yes, I know her mom died a couple of years ago, but Denise still talks to her a lot. Well, not actually Denise, but Denise's psychic. It seems that Denise has been getting messages from her mom through Denise's psychic Natalie. Denise didn't say how much she pays Natalie for each one of these messages but I'm guessing it is a lot more than $1.99 for the Psychic Hotline. In an interview with The NY Post, Denise was trying to explain why she agreed to star on a new television series with psychic John Edward called Cross Country.

"I wanted to believe Mom was still around. I wanted a reading. I wanted to believe in some form of reincarnation. I need to think in whatever way I can that my mother is still with us... I desperately have wanted a message from my mother, and I want to hold onto anything which will make that happen. I've told her to stay in contact with me even if she has to talk to me only through Natalie."

It seems to me that this kind of desperation is exactly why people will pay a great deal of money to be able to talk to someone who has died. I don't know if Natalie really has any powers. I don't even know who Natalie is. I will say this though. Even if Natalie is talking to Denise's mom, how often do you think mom is talking to Natalie? My guess is that Natalie talks to mom whenever Natalie needs some money and then passes on some message to Denise.


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