Wednesday, June 17, 2009

David Carradine Killed By Two Transsexual Hookers

People just won't let this story rest and The Globe has decided to jump on the bandwagon. This week they interviewed a producer of three of David Carradine's films and a retired FBI agent and those two are convinced that David was drugged and murdered by two transsexual hookers who made the death look like a suicide.

David Winters produced three of David's movies and he is convinced that David met two of the hookers in the hotel bar and took them to his room. At that point they overpowered David and killed him. The producer wants to see the surveillance tapes of the night in question but has no doubts that if they turn up with nothing on them that they have been doctored by the police.

"I want to see those tapes. My suspicion is they've already been doctored." I love how he already has his excuse planned. Of course since we, the reader might not want to fully support the theory of a movie producer, The Globe went and got a retired FBI agent who says, "I believe he met two Lady Boys in the hotel bar... They are flirtatious, desperate for money and would have zeroed in on a celebrity like Carradine. One of the Lady Boys may have stepped behind him, looped a length of rope around Carradine's neck and strangled him."

Uh huh. Well, I'm glad to know that all of my federal tax dollars went to your illustrious career. Just let the man rest in peace. Please.


  1. This is utterly ridiculous and I feel like we're missing something to this story. I mean, why 'two' lady boys? It's all such ridiculous speculation without an ounce of proof, which they admit by saying "may have..". This is starting to really piss me off.

  2. i mean absolutely no disrespect, but i must admit i LOLed (really loudly) as i read "lady boys". now i'm just trying to figure out what the heck that is, exactly.

  3. I thought he was killed by the ninjas for threatening to expose their secrets, but apparently the ninja death ritual involves ropes around your penis. That's the secret!

  4. hmmm.....this retired FBI guy knows a little too much about 'lady boys', don'tcha think?

  5. The Lady Boys of Bang-Cock would be a great name for a porno.

  6. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Cheryl, I like how you think.

    This is too ridiculous to even think about. The guy was known for kinky sex habits, he was alone in a hotel room, decided to jerk off, and it didn't work. He lived a full life and was respected in his career. Leave David ALOOOOOOONE!

  7. Anonymous1:14 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Why the hell can't these family and/or friends and/or acquaintances just accept the man was a freak and leave it at that? As if no one in H'wood has ever been a freak, for chrissakes...

    They'll get the life insurance as long as it was not suicide. And if the man was known to shop at kinky bondage stores then it was probably not suicide, and who the f*ck can't accept he liked his sex weird? Gyahhh! End of story.

    I agree--let the man rest in peace (or submission, or whatever would've been his particular brand of "heaven").

  9. B.S. I don't believe David said this. I'll email him later this afternoon - have to go to a dr.'s appt in 20 mins.

  10. His family should at least be happy that he wasn't a male gogo dancer armpit licker.

  11. omg, robert, lol!!!!!!!

  12. "Just let the man rest in peace. Please."

    I was just gonna write the same thing Enty. Geesh, every joker wants a piece of this unfortunate story.

  13. hehe Cheryl. That would also make a great band name.

  14. ten points for cheryl!

  15. You haven't heard of The Ladyboys of Bangkok?

    Link SFW, depending on your work. The ladyboys are pre- and post-op transexuals, and the reason many men go to Thailand.

  16. Oh, and the idea that Carradine was killed by any type of hooker is just stupid. They earn more cash the longer they stay with a client.

  17. Many life insurance policies exclude suicide for only the two years immediately following the issuance of the policy. So if D.C.'s death is ruled a suicide, his heirs may still collect if his policy has been in force for some time. But if he just changed his beneficiary in the hotel bar to some shady lady boys, well, the insurance company may drag its proverbial Manolo Blahniks in paying the claim.

  18. He has grown children why aren't they the ones screaming for justice for Daddy?

    Just let the man rest. The more you stir up this hornets nest; the more HOW he died becomes his epitah then the talent he had during his life.

  19. I love how they refuse to accept his jerk off story and claim to be outraged by it, but him buying lady-boys is fine...

  20. It wasn't the Globe that first broke this story, it was Antonio Pineda on the Bangkok blog

    And excerpt from today's MagickPapers blog post which developes the story even more.

    Meanwhile back in the Big Mango, inside the belly of the beast, I recieve a phone call from award winning author cum investigative journalist, Mark Ebner. He has found me via my invaluable blogmeister and social media rockstar from Austin Texas, Paul Terry Walhus. Maxim magazine has dispatched Ebner to Bangkok to investigate the Carradine affair. I arrange for a summit meeting with David Winters and Gary Stretch.

    Ebner arrives at Winters penthouse office. He and I exchange books. I receive Six Degrees of Paris Hilton, which has just been optioned by 20th Century Fox TV, in exchange for my novel, The Magick Papers. David Winters and Gary Stretch are going over the script for their next film project, The Warrior King, to be shot on locations like Bulgaria and Thailand. We exchange pleasantries. Mark Ebner inquires about the career of Jan Michael Vincent, whom he considered to be the next James Dean.

    Winters reveals that Vincent worked on a film with him. Jan Michael had a son whom he encouraged to be a stuntman. His son died in a horrific on set accident. Jan Michael succumbed to the demon rum. David had to post a sentry outside his hotel room, to prevent Vincent from sneaking into town at night to drink himself to death. Gary Stretch, fresh from Cannes and the success of his film, The Heavy, graciously acquiesces to show us two gold WBC championship belts, which he received as former WBC middleweight boxing champion. The Heavy also stars the evergreen 87 year old film icon, Christopher Lee. Oscar winner Stephen Rea, Vinnie Jones, and Lee Ryan of the pop group, Blue, round out the cast.
