Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chris Brown Is An Ass But The Sentence Seems Fair

I hate Chris Brown. I need to make that clear. I know it has been a few weeks since I said it, and I think it is important to reiterate it as much as possible. That being said, I think that the convicted thug got a very appropriate sentence. He did plead guilty to felony assault so he can never own a gun which is a wonderful thing. Of course it wouldn't stop him from getting one if he needed one, but it is still a deterrent. He has to six months of community service which is a lot. It is actually better in my mind than jail. In jail we the people would be paying for him to stay there and he wouldn't be doing anything but watching television and hanging out with people. In community service, especially since he will have to do it in Virginia, he will be working hard 8 hours a day doing things for the community and the community won't be paying for it.

He gets five years of probation which is a very long time. I know he beat Rihanna to hell that night, but compare it with the Cleveland Browns wide receiver who killed a guy earlier this year while drunk driving and got sentenced to 30 days in jail. 30 days for killing someone while drunk. I am outraged by that. For Chris Brown? As a human I am outraged that he exists, but not so much by the sentence.


  1. I'm glad to hear this perspective. I think Brown is a monster but you make a good point about the community service; in jail, he would just be suckling off the taxpayers' teat.

    He's still a fucking waste of humanity, though. And I bet the two of them will be back together by the end of the year anyway.

  2. I wanted him to go to jail even for a week but he got a deal. That's the way the system works.

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Does seem like a fair sentence.

    Now can we blacklist and never hear from him again, too? Pretty please?

  4. As long as he actually has to do the community service, and doesn't find some way to cheat his way out of it, I agree that this is very fair. He also was ordered to stay away from Rihanna, and that makes me feel better about things as well.

  5. lol, i'm just happy this fucker didn't go to jail and then use it as 'street cred' once he got out.
    haha..god knows how hard those community service guys are, represent!

  6. I also agree that the sentence was fair, and similar to what a non-celebrity first offender would have gotten for the same crime.

  7. enty, can't believe you kept up w/ the stallworth case. you should hear the outcry even from w/in the sao's office...well, not to mention it was the talk of the wk last week amongst every cda in the city. *will have to send you link*

    re CB, i hope the good people of virginia really stick it to him w/ the community service. this should be good.

  8. I hope he violates his probation. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I really want him to go to jail. They would tear him a new one there. Sigh.

    Maybe I'll just drive to Virginia and throw stuff on the street, so that he'll have to pick it up. Hopefully I'll miss the street and hit him.

  9. I have a feeling he'll cheat his way out of the c.s. It's pretty easy to do. I'm betting it's even easier when you have money and fame.

    I got out of it fifteen years ago (not for beating anybody up) and I'm a nobody. The place I did it at just kinda got tired of seeing me all the time and ran out of things for me to do so they just signed off on my forms saying I had complete my hours and I never had to go back.

  10. don't worry Kimshoe- be prepared for 3 months of seeing Chris in an ornage jumpsuit while being stalked by tmz,lol. Harvey will be on this one for sure plus his management will make damn sure he finishes to clean up his public image.

  11. Interesting perspective.

    The only beef i have with this is that if he had beat some random woman the way he beat Rihanna, he probably would have done more time. I still think that because they were dating, it was more condoned.

  12. LOL, Jax, "great minds." I twittered Harvey and asked him to dog Chris the whole time. :)

    Ayesha, sadly, that is true for all domestic violence. :(

  13. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Looking into my crystal ball, I see a probation violation involving firearms. Don't know why.

  14. You can petition to get your right to vote, and possess firearms, etc. reinstated after you complete your sentence/probation for a felony. I know people who have done so successfully. They were non-violent drug offenses though and it is on a case by case basis so it certainly is not automatic but it can be done.

  15. Maybe I'll just drive to Virginia and throw stuff on the street, so that he'll have to pick it up. Hopefully I'll miss the street and hit him.

    Karmen, LMAO! even though I don't approve of littering, at least it might keep Chris Brown from the type of sign-offs kimishoe mentioned.

  16. I find it convenient that they reached a plea deal on the very last day, which prevented Rihanna from having to testify. Convenient for whom (perhaps both), I don't know.

    I agree the sentence is standard for the crime, I just hope the entertainment industry and fans REMEMBER it.

  17. IIRC, the stay away order is not in effect for music industry functions, and then only 10 yards. he can violate both the order AND his probation very easily with one shot.
    i doubt we've heard the last from him.

    oh, and 52 weeks of anger management, which only helps if HE believes he has a problem. and he can wriggle his way out of that, too.

  18. community service instead of public works service is a sweet heart deal if that's what he got. He only got that bc he's a celebrity.

  19. Although I would be happy to see him in jail, I'm glad he got so much community service. There's no way you can pull a "Don't you know who I am?" moment while picking up trash along the side of the road. Maybe it will help to keep him humble.

  20. I would have liked him to do jail time but I'd have wanted him in the general pop.and that wasn't likely to happen.

    I hope he serves the worst community service ever and may every minute of it seem a lifetime.

    I would also have liked to see RiRi get on the stand to testify.
    I had great doubts she was going to do that.

  21. And people wonder why more domestic abuse victims don't come forward.

    That being said...I hope he has to clean out nasty ass port-a-potties at functions where there are lots of people. Atleast he'll be in his own element.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I think it's an appropriate sentence. If he had gone to jail, he probably would have gotten out early. That would have pissed me off.
