Friday, June 05, 2009

Britney Spears Wants To Meet The Queen

I think this is one of those stories that sounds great in a tabloid when Britney Spears is in your city, but probably has nothing to do with any kind of reality. The Mirror says that a source said that someone else said that an insider of Britney's camp said that her cousin's hairstylist said that Britney really wanted her kids to rub shoulders with royalty and that no matter how busy Britney is she will find time for the Queen as long as it is not between 2-3p because that is when she watches reruns of Springer.

It seems like forever ago that Britney was talking about how she and Prince William used to exchange e-mails. I wonder if they ever hooked up. Ever since I read this article I have been trying to think what a meeting would be like between the Queen and Britney and I really can't imagine it at all. I keep thinking that Britney would show up in fishnets. I just know she would. I don't think anyone would tell her not to.

I think that is a great idea of a play right there. "When Britney Met The Queen." You could go the whole chicken wing, fried food angle or you could say that for one remarkable hour she pulled it all together and didn't even say ya'll once. Three different acts and three different scenarios.


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