Friday, June 05, 2009

Britney Spears Wants To Meet The Queen

I think this is one of those stories that sounds great in a tabloid when Britney Spears is in your city, but probably has nothing to do with any kind of reality. The Mirror says that a source said that someone else said that an insider of Britney's camp said that her cousin's hairstylist said that Britney really wanted her kids to rub shoulders with royalty and that no matter how busy Britney is she will find time for the Queen as long as it is not between 2-3p because that is when she watches reruns of Springer.

It seems like forever ago that Britney was talking about how she and Prince William used to exchange e-mails. I wonder if they ever hooked up. Ever since I read this article I have been trying to think what a meeting would be like between the Queen and Britney and I really can't imagine it at all. I keep thinking that Britney would show up in fishnets. I just know she would. I don't think anyone would tell her not to.

I think that is a great idea of a play right there. "When Britney Met The Queen." You could go the whole chicken wing, fried food angle or you could say that for one remarkable hour she pulled it all together and didn't even say ya'll once. Three different acts and three different scenarios.


  1. Now don't go alienating your southern born fans Enty. Ya'll is a perfectly good & usefull contraction. :-)

    Perhaps it is her particular accent. Some southern accents are lovely and melodious, while others grate on the nerves and make you wanna cut a bitch: i.e. Paula Deen's accent is my personal torture. I lose my shit every time I hear her talk.

  2. However, personally I think Ms. Britney is a twit.

  3. Only in Brit's dreams.

  4. I just keep thinking we need some fresh faces to talk about. I am burnt out with these hags.

  5. I'd pay to see that.

  6. Hey Ent, you got any True Blood cast gossip? I know Anna and Stephen are dating, but anything else besides them?

  7. I agree with Sass. I'm bored with the same circle of losers.

  8. That's one meeting that would need an English to American interpreter. Both ways.

  9. On a totally random note, I remember reading an article which included an interview with Britney a few years ago. The author wrote that while they chatted, she was using Cool Ranch Doritos to scoop up tuna salad and I remember thinking: that sounds delicious. ;)

  10. eep. if that meeting takes place, i hope she remembers to spit the gum out first.

  11. Thanks, Lisa (original)!

    While "y'all" might grate on some people, rest assured that "yous" and "you-uns" grates the living hell out of others.

    And I agree with Pookie in that the GUM is far more rude and classless than using commonly-accepted regional colloquialisms.

  12. Britney's got no chance but seeing her accent has been brought up, I have to say, of all the American accents I've come across over here, the Southern ones are my favourite. Except my aunt's husband but that's 'cos he's an idiot, not because he's from Kentucky.

  13. I think it would end up boiling down to alot of confused looks.

    Think of Little Abner going to tea with the "ladies" of Monty Python. I'd pay $$ to see that trainwreck.

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