Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bret Michaels Won't Sue But We Can Still Watch The Video

Apparently Bret Michaels has decided not to sue the producers of The Tony Awards. "There's no lawsuit. I was honored to be there." Well, I am sure they must be thrilled while the rest of the world will miss the chance to show the video below over and over and over again during the entire time the case would have been in trial. I think what happened is Bret realized what an ass he was being and his people were being and so decided to take the high road and focus his attention instead on seeing how many strippers he can have sex with this season on his show. I know I have kind of talked about this before, but you do realize it is a network that is paying a guy to have sex with women and that women are signing up for sex with a washed up rock star just so they can get on television for a few weeks. Well, at least we can watch the video that never gets old.


  1. After numerous viewings, it still cracks me up.

  2. it's not like he had much of a case to begin w/.

    lol @ "taking the high road", cuz you know he's just so klassy and all! teehee. ;)

  3. Looking for nothing, but a good time......


    HAHA, i still love it.

  4. Can anyone tell me why he was invited to the Tony Awards anyway?

  5. It never stops being funny.

    Cheryl, he was there because of the musical "rock of ages". He's not in it, but "nothin' but a good time" is.

  6. and to think i wanted to watch the tonys for NPH!!

    this may be the greatest thing michaels has ever done.

  7. It certainly has to go down as one of the best Tony moments ever.

    The Curtain took out Bret in a TKO in the final round. Cutain 1 -- Michaels 0 .

    Gotta love it.

  8. mazemerizing said...

    After numerous viewings, it still cracks me up.

    You can say that again.

  9. Jade, That Girl said...

    Looking for nothing, but a good time......

    That ROCKED!!! LOL

  10. He only got smacked because he stood there milking the applause for as long as possible.
