Brad Pitt Now Has Some Time Off - Bye Bye Moneyball
This morning, shooting was set to start on the movie Moneyball starring Brad Pitt and being directed by his good friend Steven Soderbergh. Well that isn't going to happen now. Despite the fact that three months of camera interviews and all the pre-production had been completed, Columbia Pictures yanked the plug and told everyone not to bother to show up for work this morning.
Stars jerk studios around frequently and cancel at the last minute, but I can't remember the last time someone like Brad Pitt was attached to a movie which was being directed by an A list director and the studio pulled the plug. The movie was only going to cost $50M. That might seem like a lot, but really it's nothing when you have those two attached to the movie.
The President over at Columbia is going to look mighty foolish if it goes to another studio and makes a bunch of money. I mean we are talking about keeping your job kind of decision that went into this. Now, if only someone would get wise and not sign onto the philosophy that you need to remake every movie from the 1980's.
They are just about to start shooting a Red Dawn remake and I really don't know why. The movie was great. Not perfect or once in a lifetime-ish, but it had so many people who were the 80's in crowd and I don't know why you need to mess with a good thing and fill the roles with unknowns.
Anyway, I guess now Brad and Angelina will have an extra six weeks together. I hope all those donations they made in the last week were not contingent on Brad filming this movie.