If the reports are true, and I'm not sure I really care if they are or not, Miley Cyrus and Justin Gaston have split. Oh, it's an official split. I love that phrase. It is almost as good as "everyday people." Actually you could almost take that whole Enquirer article from last week and do the whole thing all over again with Miley and Justin. Apparently since Justin has decided not to go hang out on a movie set with Miley while she shoots a movie they have split. Umm, why does he have to go? If the guy wants to model or do whatever he does to earn pocket money, then let him. For the rest of his life is he going to have to follow Miley and be there while she is working on a set? Yes, it is a split. She is working.
Now granted, I am much more likely to believe they are splitting rather than Brangelina simply because Miley is 16 and Justin is 28 or whatever. Oh, ok. He is 20. My bad. Whatever. I at least would not be shocked if they split. I am sure Billy Ray Cyrus will be crushed that he won't have anyone to spot him when he is working out or to help him get his Lindsay Lohan tanning cream on in all the places Billy can't quite reach.
Miley's people didn't have anything to say about the whole thing, but then again, not saying anything means lots more stories so you might as well leave it out there.
Enty your comment about the tanning cream has me intrigued.
ReplyDeleteWho's boyfriend is he anyway?
Ah, B626, that's the big question!
ReplyDeleteBilly Ray should teach a master class at the Learning Annex on how to build a career out of one crappy song.
ReplyDeleteIs Hillbilly Cyrus more sad than his daughter???
ReplyDeleteCheryl, don't forget the really bad mullet that went along with the song.
ReplyDeleteoh and now he's rocking that tragic Keith Urban straight iron mess...
ReplyDeleteOk, all this is supposedly in regards to these twitter posts, which really just seem like they're physically separated for a bit while she's filming another godawful movie.
ReplyDeleteAll she said was he's busy doing whatever he does. It's no split.
And I would definitely watch a Gaston/Papa Cyrus sextape, if that's what Ent's implying.
Is it wrong for a mature, almost 50yr old woman to feel distain for a 16 yr old teenaged girl? Please tell me there is a story to the spotting and tanning ream...please
ReplyDeleteI was going to correct my previous comment to "Cream" but nevermind after rereading it is fine just as it is!
ReplyDeletelol, Cheryl!
ReplyDelete*signs up for Learning Annex mullet & class*
Nice eyes on her. Dang.
ReplyDelete@GoddessNow - LOL at 'tanning ream', I've been giggling at that for the last 10 minutes straight!
ReplyDeleteThere is just something completely creepy about Papa Cyrus when it comes to Miley and this Justin guy...
Is it me or is everyone now seeing Papa Cyrus and the underwear boy doing their own version of the Hogan sunlotion " I missed a spot"?