Friday, June 19, 2009

Beyonce Sucks

I was going to try and think of some wonderfully witty headline, but I think in this case, short and succinct works best. Beyonce was supposed to perform at a club in New York tomorrow night. She was paid $200,000 for the appearance and even posted the event on her website. The owner of the club told The NY Post that on Wednesday Beyonce's people called and said they were going to have to cancel. They claimed they didn't have enough time because they are preparing for her tour. Instead, they did offer to come by the club for an hour and mingle with people.

The owner of this club spent $100K on everything that Beyonce demanded in her rider. He sold tables and tickets and was counting on this concert for the grand opening of the new club M2. How is that Beyonce is so busy preparing for her tour that she can't come sing for an hour or so on Saturday night but can find time to do a meet and greet on Sunday? I will tell you why, because she doesn't want to work on a Saturday night for what is probably not enough money to her. Instead she wants to show up on a Sunday night and sit in a roped off VIP area talking to her bodyguards and collecting $200K for doing absolutely nothing.

Does anyone really think that she would walk around the club for an entire hour and mix with people? Does anyone seriously believe that? Does she think we are stupid? The club owner is pissed and rightly so. He says he is going to sue her and he should. Plus, what is the deal in canceling 72 hours before the show? It isn't like she is sick or anything. Hasn't she already been performing this tour? I would think they are pretty much ready to go. I think the issue is that Beyonce limits herself to no more than one hour of activity each day and she probably had a spa appointment or something for Saturday and was going to be drained after that.

I hate Beyonce.


  1. You know what I don't even have to read the story to agree with you ENTY. I agree she SUCKS BALLS!!!!

  2. She sucks donkey balls!!!! I hate that vocal gymnastics tranny!


  4. I second that statement: I hate Beyonce.

  5. thank goodness i found other people that agree with me; i didn't even have to read this story to give me another reason to hate this b*tch!

  6. WTF is up with her hair? seriously?
    she obviously doesn't need the time to have her hair styled, so what's the problem?

  7. i'm dying to see what's on that rider that the venue was out a hundred grand to meet the terms! da-yum.

    gotta say tho, kudos to the promotor who was slick enough to talk her people into signing up for the gig...she's a schmuck for backing out, but that was some slick talkin' if they went for it in the first place considering the venues and the size of paychecks she's used to.

  8. While I agree that she sucks for this and her shitty movies I think "hate" is a bit strong. There are far more worse celebrities. She should refund the 100k that he spent.

  9. wow,bad pic of her

  10. I agree with Pookie!! Too Bad So Sad!! She Stacks Paper!!

  11. She sucks major donkey balls for that sure! I use to like her back in her Destiny's Child days but not any more. She's a royal cunt!

  12. Anonymous12:30 PM

    She's affecting that owner's reputation as being able to deliver on what they advertise. Fans may not hear the truth or assume she could do no wrong and decide it's the VENUE'S fault and not give them future business. The general public is a tough crowd - you don't deliver, they don't necessarily care WHY.

    Hate IS a strong word. And well-chosen.

  13. So does this mean she (and not Mariah) is the answer to the video diva blind?

  14. What a cow! I blame all of those kids who worship the ground she walks on (and I know a whole lot of them unfortunately).

    Too bad it'll be years before she gets her comeuppance.

  15. You guys, her sister was probably not available to come stand behind a curtain and lip synch for Beyonce! THAT's why she cancelled!

  16. I simply can't stand Beyonce. It shames me to know that we share the same hometown.

    She's a talentless diva who thinks she can get away with anything. What an irritating cunt.

  17. She may have single-handedly ruined this guy's business. Evil.

  18. She's extremely famous -and extreme fame is very distorting, isn't it?

    Look what it's done to Britney and Michael Jackson.

    By comparison, Madonna, Beyonce and Mariah are only healthily eccentric.

  19. she needs to stop being greedy and accepting every little thing where folks are throwing money, if she's not going to hold up her end of the deal.

  20. That's the thing, Mooshki--she could be destroying this guy's business.

    Very, very tacky.

  21. $200,000 for a couple hours 'work'??? Fuck me, life is so unfair. Do you know for how long most of us 'everyday people' have to work for to earn that kind of money? Well it certainly ain't 2hours.

    I could say:oh but she has an incredible voice blah, blah, but frankly, i know all of us have heard the leaked tape of her Today show performance. Maybe the club should put that on instead? At least it would give everyone a good chuckle.

    She's a stuck up bitch, and i can't stand her.

  22. The entire shady Knowles family scares the crap out me.

  23. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I have never liked Big Hips hehehe. Don't even understand why they give her parts to act when she is a lousy actress. Her music is also not that great it has like the same type of beat to me.

  24. Cooper's Mom, to be fair, that tape was a fake. It's okay, still plenty of other reasons to hate her! :)

  25. I agree with Mooshki (yey you're back!), she's EVIL. She has no consideration for the fans that were expecting here there and for the club owner and what he's credibility might be after this fiasco she pulled off. I'm so glad he called the NY Post for this. They're an evil newspaper, so it's definitely priceless.

  26. So he spent 100k and was going to pay her 200k - just how much were tickets going for that he would recoup this and still make a profit?

    I don't understand how clubs work...

  27. Not a fan of Beyaki, however I did read the contract between the promoter and club owner (3079 Entertainment) and the Music World Entertainment Company (Beyone Touring Co.).

    It appears the promoter was in the wrong this time, as the contract clearly states that Ms. B was NOT TO PERFORM, (item 1 in the agreement-it expressly stated no performace of any kind) The contract lists her as the "talent" and Solange is listed as the "performer". It is my understanding that she was there primarily to play MC and to introduce the sister, Solange. The promter was advertising this event, as a Beyonce performance. Clearly not what had been agreed upon. That would make this false advertising. If she had shown up and not performed, it may have been a bigger problem.

    Of course what do I know.... I think EOnline is supposed to post this agreement.This could be incorrect or false info that I waS given.

    I just love the wording of this agreement...B is the talent the sister is ther performer....hahaha

  28. I love this kind of purely negative post enty, seriously, keep it up the bitchier the better, ; }

  29. ´course she would be the talent, goddessnow... :)
