Thursday, June 18, 2009

Belgian Porn Star Has The Most Popular Tour Bus

If you have been staying awake at night lately wondering what on earth ever happened to Miss Nude Belgium 2009, don't worry any longer. She has been found. Audrey, who doesn't want her last name used is a tour bus driver. It turns out she gave up her life of porn and nude beauty contests in order to provide a better life for her 3 and 4 year old kids.

How did she do that? She went to bus driver school. After a six week course though, her employer found out about her previous career and gave her a choice. Porn or bus driving. She chose bus driving. It turns out the company didn't really care that she was a porn actress. They cared whether she was going to be able to drive a bus during the day after working as an actress all night.

"We are solely interested in security for our drivers and customers. We don't wish to see a member of our staff finishing a show in the middle of the night and then picking up a bus at six in the morning."

That seems perfectly reasonable to me. Audrey prefers being a bus driver anyway. In fact, according to the company, Audrey "is one of the most popular drivers in the history of the company, and that her bus was almost always full." Hmmm. Must be because she never fails to signal when changing lanes.


  1. Hey, don't knock lane-change signallers! I'm starting to think that may be my new #1 criteria for a mate. IT'S NOT THAT HARD, PEOPLE!!! :)

  2. I think she should combine her talents and drive the bus topless.

  3. or do pronos that appeal to the bus-fetish community

  4. um, Mooshki go to and search for "changing lanes"

    all will become clearer then ;)

    Enty, you bad bad boy....

  5. so good to hear about a person wanting to set a better example for their kids and not be in the porn industry.

  6. empyrios,
    You've got to excuse some of us for not being young and hip. I had to look it up too, so I'll whisper it in Mooshki's ear.

  7. I sorta figured it was something sexual. Love it, Enty.

    Went to, and there's also an "illegal lane change". I love the internet.

  8. lol @ changing lanes reference! (altho..ewwww!).

    aww, well good for audrey and her new bus driving lifestyle.

  9. Oh dear god. I should've known. LOL! Yep, it just gets harder and harder for us old folk to keep up with the slang you young-uns use!

  10. And btw, "lane changing" sounds like a good way to get a really bad infection. :(

  11. what's really interesting is how the reference just seemed to come off the top of Enty's head

    hmmmmmm, lol

  12. ^^^i'm sure he's a big porn freak! :)

  13. i don't even want to know, although i have a good guess...

  14. Well THAT certainly gives a whole new meaning to the song TWO LANE HIGHWAY by Pure Prarie League

  15. It's got no signs or dividing lines, and very few rules to guide...

    Grateful Dead lyric that has nothing to do with sex, but I thought it fit.

    So, is she captain of the Bust a Nut Bus?

  16. People in Europe are not as uptight as they are here. I can't imagine this woman being able to pull this off here in the US.

  17. Let her be. She changed her life and just let her be.
