Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Bachelor Goes Plus Sized

What do you get when you cross The Bachelor and The Biggest Loser? You get a new show on FOX called More To Love. I guess it really doesn't have anything to do with The Biggest Loser but it sounded more cool that way. I don't think anyone is losing weight on the show. It is all about a plus sized guy like myself looking for love amongst plus sized women. I love it. I just wish it wasn't on FOX. The reality shows on FOX have not really been the warm and fuzzy reality shows. They tend to go for some kind of shock value and I just hope that whatever shocks they have in mind don't portray plus sized people negatively.

I think they should just do a straight up plus sized Bachelor type show and that should be it. The reader who sent this to me, included a quote from the local FOX anchor in his market who said this about the show. "Since it will be on FOX, you know this will be done very tastefully."

That is why I am scared. The show is being produced by Mike Fleiss who worked on The Bachelor and Bachelorette and also has worked on High School Reunion and The Cougar (Hi TV Land). I went through his IMDb page and I don't see anything horrible other than the fact he is in fact related to Heidi Fleiss. But, thankfully she is not hosting.

I think that viewers will get into a plus sized love story or fake love story for people wanting their 15 minutes. Television doesn't need to be all about skinny people, because skinny people are not all of who makes up this world. People are going to love identifying with more realistic contestants. So, count me in when the show starts airing at the end of July. Wow, I can't believe I just plugged a FOX reality show. Must watch Temptation Island tonight.


  1. I'm not a fan of the Bachelor shows, but High School Reunion is a GREAT show. If this show is as well done as that one is, I'll watch!

  2. MMmm BOOTLYCIOUS, I like!

  3. Enty -- we should nominate you to be the next Bachelor on this show!!! All in favor? Aye!

  4. just want enty needs-- more wimmins! lol!

  5. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Aw man, you just KNOW they're going to throw in some thin, perfectly-tanned goddess at some point just to watch everyone squirm. Watch as the guy sees "past" her "perfection" to find out she's just as lovely inside!
    Sorry, but I hate these love-seeking shows.

    However, I really enjoyed High School Reunion - my graduate year edition, of course. Go figure.

  6. Yeah, I really hope this doesn't pander to negative stereotypes.

  7. I agree - I'm anti-love-seeking shows.

  8. oh come on Rocket, you don't enjoy the 2 hour episode of Vancouver 2010, er I mean The Bachelorette- Vancouver edition? LOL. it's like an informercial!

  9. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Tasteful? Fox?

  10. @ jax - I didn't watch it. I *thought* about it for the scenes of Vancouver, but wtf. I LIVE here. I know what it looks like ;)

  11. I loved the love train thing on the Bachelorette.

    I saw the previews for this show. If it doesn't conflict with any of my other important shows like So You Think You Can Dance, I might watch.

  12. I think it's kind of arrogant to assume that because two people are large they would automatically be attracted to each other...overweight people are not a SPECIES.

    This offends me.

  13. "Since you know it will be on FOX, you know it will be done very tastefully."

    HAHAHAHAHA! Really since when?

  14. Majik I totally agree with you!!! I liked that enty wrote though that this should not be marketed as a odd dating show to point and laugh at but another shit dating show that is about a group of people, all douche bags for doing this reality shit but nonetheless no differnt than anyone else. I wont be watching it becasue i just know they are going to do mean things to them, like pie eating contests or some shit, and as a bigger girl I refuse to help degrade my fellow sistas like that.

  15. {The producer} is in fact related to Heidi Fleiss. But, thankfully she is not hosting.

    Now wouldn't THAT just complete the picture?

    Oh, as for the "tasteful because it's on Fox" remark, a small correction: it didn't come from a Fox anchor, it came from my local paper's TV writer, who's nearly as snarky as Enty.

  16. I have seen the commercials for this during SYTYCD and you can already tell it is gonna be a degrading crapfest and not in an entertaining way ala Rock of Love. These women are quite overweight and they show them sobbing into the camera while the dramatic music swells and they say, "I thought no one would ever love me!" And the guy on the show doesn't seem that fat to me, but I am totally into chubby guys, so maybe it's just me!
