Have you ever wondered if sometimes publicists get so excited that someone actually wants to hear them speak or comment on something that they make absolutely no sense when they do so? I used to think it was all about spin, but sometimes I think they just have no clue what they are saying and if they are making any sense whatsoever.
Apparently the other night at the Eminem/Jay-Z show, Ashlee Simpson and Pete's ex Michelle Trachtenberg got into a little scuffle. Not really a fight, but Ashlee had been drinking heavily and she had a few choice things to say to Michelle. Michelle got ticked off and famed herself out to that blogger who shares his name with a Valtrex ridden celebrity.
So the world was in a tizzy. I mean who can sleep or relax when they think that Ashlee and Michelle got into a fight. Aren't these the two people you scour the internet for everyday just looking for a morsel of information about them? Yeah, me either.
Anyway, Ashlee's rep had this to say about the situation. "It was just a misunderstanding. Ashlee has since apologized to Michelle, and they remain on good terms."
A misunderstanding? When someone gets in your face and starts talking smack about that seems pretty easy to understand. If it was just a misunderstanding then why did Ashlee apologize? The topper is the remain on good terms part. They sound like a couple that has to share custody of four kids after a divorce. I think what happened is that Ashlee asked Pete a million questions about Michelle and he probably said something like he still like Michelle or that Michelle did something better. Some stupid line he wishes he could take back but can't. Instead it was locked in Ashlee's head until such time as drink and Michelle were in the same proximity.
Ashlee needs to lay off the sauce. I remember the video of her drunk at the Burger King.
ReplyDeleteI don't care much for Asslee, but this cracked me up: "I hope you know, the whole time you were dating Pete, I was f***ing him!" LOL!
ReplyDeleteIf she said that, her whole "I didn't steal your boyfriend" credibility goes right out the window, doesn't it? ;)
ReplyDeleteAshlee Simpson, you writhing, talentless pool of drunk attention-whoring, please disappear. Like yesterday. And take your sexually confused, troll-baby husband with you. It would do much good for the world.
ReplyDeleteI still think what she said is hilarious.
ReplyDeleteShe is a horrible person. Blaming her band on SNL, the McDonald's "kiss my foot" thing, now this -- I wish the world would open up and swallow her and I thank God I haven't got a teenage daughter who might try to emulate this worthless sack of shit.
ReplyDelete@Isabel- Best comment I've read today. "Sexually confused troll-baby husband."
ReplyDeleteGreatest discription of him I've heard yet.
Looking at the picture from this article, the substance abuse has done more damage to Ashlee's looks than the bad plastic surgery ever did. Ashlee honey, it's time to stop the drinking, snorting, and smoking. Do it now, and be a responsible mother to your child.
ReplyDeletegotta love michelle. she is willing to throw anyone under the bus for publicity.
ReplyDelete@ardleigh: *blushes* Thanks. They just bring out the rage in me.
ReplyDeleteyeah, what Isabel said!
ReplyDeleteI'll third Isabel's statement.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, the video footage of Simpson harrassing the Burger King cashier really, really bothered me. What a horrible, self-important, delusional freak. Why do people listen to her music? Why is she famous? She has no manners and needs to be shown the exit.
How painfully insecure must she be? Seriously.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if she didn't get pregnant if he would actually have married her.
ReplyDelete@lutefisk...I wonder if anyone would marry her without her being pregnant. She's the female equivalent of a tool...a toolette? But I have to come to her husband's defense. He may be sexually confused, but he is a stand up guy. I watched him on Larry King the other night with the Invisible Children guys and was totally impressed.
ReplyDeleteCindy, that is why I am thinking that he is the type of guy who would marry her if she became pregnant, but maybe not otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI CANT STAND Ashley S. I mean I am with all of you on the fast food video. She was the antithesis of grotesque. My huge grievance with her is not just that but her SNL stint. I can understand she couldn't sing that night and had to lip synch. What I can't fathom is she threw her band mates under the bus RIGHT afterwards and blamed them for not playing the right song. The ONLY people with talent on that crew is the band and she blamed them. She is the most un-classy broad I have ever seen on the tele. I have actually banned her music in my house ( I have a 15 yr old daughter ) because I can not condone any so called musician of the unscrupulous caliber.
ReplyDeleteShe has already doomed MELROSE PLACE REDUX. For that, I thank her.
ReplyDeleteI didn´t even know they dated... I feel old.