Monday, June 22, 2009

"As soon as she can, say yes. ... Maybe we can just nod her head."

The above quote reminds me of my fourth marriage except it was the other way around. It was Vegas. I was drunk. It is all there on videotape. Me about to pass out and wife #4 screaming, "See, he just moved his head. Now marry us Elvis."

If Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett really want to marry each other than I am all for it. I am always for love. I really am. I just really have my doubts about the validity of a marriage when one of the parties cannot say the word yes or nod. I mean how did she agree to get married if she can't say yes or nod her head?

Again, if they want to get married then I am all for it. I am a romantic. After I woke up the morning after wedding #4, I didn't run and try and get it annulled. I said, "aww, what the hell." That my friends is romance.

If Ryan is sincere, than they have my blessing and I will not pass any more judgment. I mean the guy has been there for her. Except for when he was in jail for doing drugs with their son. Other than that though he has been right there. You watch the video and decide. The entire interview will be on ABC this Friday night.

If for some reason the video isn't loading below, you can click here and watch it.


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