In Playboy this month, Alec Baldwin gives an interview and says that he was suicidal after the tape of the voicemail he left his daughter Ireland last year was released. You know, I read the excerpts of the interview and I don't really think from reading it he was suicidal. He says, “[I was] very serious … I spoke to a lot of professionals, who helped me … If I committed suicide, they [Kim Basinger’s team] would have considered that a victory. Destroying me was their avowed goal.”
So, is he trying to say the only reason he didn't kill himself was because Kim Basinger would have won? Can you imagine in your head Alec Baldwin saying that last line? Destroying me was their avowed goal. Exactly what Jack from 30 Rock would say.
Alec goes on to talk about how he brought himself up from the depths of all of this by appearing on The View and focusing his show and on his book and anything else he could get away with plugging in a few short paragraphs. I love Alec Baldwin the actor, but am not a fan of Alec Baldwin the man. I don't understand the thinking of why he would want to kill himself. Because he was embarrassed? Because he treated his daughter like crap? I know he goes back and forth between New York and LA a lot, but making the flight doesn't make you a good father. It is your actions.
Anyway, you can read it, but I think it is just a line Playboy used to try and get more hits and readers. It worked huh? The link is to Playboy but is SFW.
Suicide was an option because of the public outcry.
ReplyDeleteOh and I forgot to add I also like Alec the actor but hate Alec the man.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's saying that looking back, he's glad he didn't do it, and Kim Basinger's "happiness" is one of many reasons.
ReplyDeleteSuicide discussion really bothers me. It's vastly misunderstood and unless you've been close yourself or know someone who's done it, we can't expect to know how someone feels when they're in that hole, or how they manage to crawl out.
i'm sure when you are as big an egomaniac as Alec Baldwin is, suicide is always an option in the face of public humiliation.
ReplyDeletei do like him as an actor though
love the art, not the artist!!
The suicide thing is a publicity thing for sure. I'm sure he was humiliated, and when faced with that I'm sure the words "Gosh, I wish I was dead" might come to mind, but a small majority go through with it. I think he thinks so highly about himself that it just doesn't fit.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand Alec the person, but enjoy him on 30 Rock and his appearances on SNL. I hate the fact I enjoy his comedic acting, but I can't help it. Drama roles...no thanks.
I kind of see why he reacted to the kid the way he did. Who among us has not said inappropriate things to our children? We're just not all lucky enough to have exes that release the voice mail to the entire world.
ReplyDeleteAs I understand it, they were involved in a horrible custody battle, which involved Kim canceling visitation almost every time he had it, making it difficult for him to have contact with his daughter. Alec Baldwin may not be a lovable man, but he has the capacity to love, and he apparently loves his little girl. It had to be a horribly frustrating time for him, and I can understand why he would spout off the way he did.
Carrie, did you see The Cooler?
ReplyDeleteI had such a big crush on Alec back in the day, during the "She's Having a Baby" and "Working Girl" days.
ReplyDeleteGood Lord he made me weak--the voice, face, body--the works.
Everything changes, though, eh?
Oh, and I agree wholeheartedly with
ReplyDeleteRocket Queen since I've fought it my whole life.
Woke up in the ER with EKG (or whatever) electrodes on my bare chest (THAT'LL make one's day, lemme tell ya!) and I survived. A good heaving vomit while passed out is all that kept me from dying.
that was long time ago, but it it still rears its ugly head every few months. Sucks, but it passes.
A psychic said many suicidal people did it in a past life and one must break the cycle in this life or else they'll be doomed to do it over and over.
Anyway, y'all aren't interested in being brought down...sorry! Long as I got my weed, my man and my exercise it's all good!
A friend of mine worked for a sub prime mortgage company and always told me how she had to call him every month about his mortgage payment because he was always behind on payments. She said that he was very angry and always yelling at her but would pay.
ReplyDeleteSelenaKyle - me, too. Came very close about 4 years after my father did it. I'm not a fan of Alec Baldwin most of the time, but he was going through a rough time with custody - for all we know, he WAS suicidal and if he was, I say kudos to him for talking about it.
ReplyDelete"Exactly what Jack from 30 Rock would say"
ReplyDelete*LOL* that's exactly what I was thinking!
He's damned likable, that's for sure, while in character. The thing that bugs me is that he is still trying to get people to hate his ex, which is really old by now. I remember years ago, when they were together, that a friend of mine was seated near the two of them in a restaurant in New York state. He was yelling at her, calling her names and she sat there, paralyzed and embarrassed. Not long after, the marriage was done. Apparently, he was angry with her because she was enduring a panic attack due to her agoraphobia and had wanted to go home (her giddiness during award shows and such that had people thinking she was on drugs was probably a nervous reaction). Not exactly Mr.Sensitive. I'm not saying she's an angel, but I'm willing to bet he is to blame for a lot of what went down in that relationship.
ReplyDeleteI also think that his admission of 'suicidal thoughts' is more to do with wanting sympathy than anything. Not saying he didn't have the thoughts, and for that I feel sorry for him, but I also think it's a bit of a ploy on his part to get back into everyone's good graces. He's a bitter guy. He needs to figure out how not to be so angry.
He's an abusive monster. There are enough other actors around to admire - he's superfluous. Not worth the effort to see his work.
ReplyDeleteAvowed goal to destroy him? Paranoid much, Alec? J*sus.
Kat, I didn't know Kim suffered from agoraphobia. Thanks for the info.
ReplyDeleteYes, love the art, not the artist! Good one!
ReplyDeleteDidn't he say in an interview that during a trip he had to carry a suitcase full of almonds for Kim because she was afraid there wouldn't be almonds wherever they were going? She has issues, but he certainly does as well. He's still a good actor, IMO, but definitely lost his hotness.
ReplyDeleteAlec Baldwin's ego is sick. I feel sorry for that poor daughter of his.
ReplyDeleteSuicide is no joke. If it's okay, I'd like to take a moment to plug the Out of the Darkness walk in Chicago June 27-28. It supports the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. http://www.theovernight.org/
ReplyDeleteBut back to shallow stuff, I didn't know Alec Baldwin was supposed to be such a bad guy...? Really? More stories, please.
ReplyDeleteShe released the tape to get back at him and he is saying he almost killed himself to get back at her in public. His general message those seems to state that men do not have much power when it comes to custodial issues.
ReplyDeleteHe's just an egomanical gasbag.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for him to move to Canada. His pledge if W. was re-elected in 2004.
I had the hots for him too eons ago, but his mouth and actions ruined any long ago hunkiness.
Funny how his best acting is when the characters aren't too far off from his personality.
I think he made the suicide remark cause he's a manipulative asshole. Anything to make people feel bad for him. My dad has left voice mails not unlike the one Alec left his daughter. They're both egotistical jackasses who want to be in control of everyone, and get angry when things don't go their way. That voice mail, and that behavior in general, is not justifiable, even if he's angry at the daughter or mother.
ReplyDeleteChildren should never be used as pawns to anger the other parent in a divorce - no matter how messy it is. It's petty; it's immature; it's bullshit. I doubt that's not the only time he treated her like that. I don't know if he's ever had suicidal thoughts, but I'm pretty sure he said that remark for public sympathy. And probably to make his daughter and Kim feel guilty.
Can't fool me, Alec. I can see misogynistic behavior a mile away. Mental abuse is still abuse.
i know he's a dick, but, he's hot in a crazy way. tho, i suspect he'd leave bruises on my neck
ReplyDeletewell said, Judi and Karmen! *applause*
ReplyDeletethe guy is a loose cannon w/ a personality disorder. he's needs to shut up and get some treatment.
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ReplyDeleteWill he shut up about Kim? Anytime I hear this a-hole talking, he manages to sneak her name in. He must be obsessed with her, adding to the gigantic douchebag he already is.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't do it because he didn't want his ex to "win"? Kinda obvious where the daughter he was screaming at fits into his life plan..
6-Slamming the ex
10- What's-her-name
Alec Massengill displays all the symptoms of a true sociopath, see if you don't agree..
Notice lots of people hate him, but love his character on 30 Rock. Isn't he pretty much playing himself with a different job?
ReplyDeleteVal, fictional assholes are amusing. Real life ones, not so much. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a damn shame that he and Kim haven't been a couple for years but are still at war with one another. Grow up and move on and stop your douchtastic behavior for the child's sake before she disowns you both.
ReplyDeleteI love Alec Baldwin as an actor and performer, and like him as a very flawed, albeit angry, narcissistic man. He's likely being a drama queen when he mentions potential suicide, but then again, I guess we'll never know what's inside his mind. Talking to your offspring the way he did can't make one feel good about oneself. Anyway, the same people who judge him probably don't have much room to talk.
ReplyDeleteAlec loves himself waaaay too much to even think about suicide. The whole "Kim wants to destroy me" bs just kinda puts a fine point on that whole deal.
ReplyDeleteSadly, Alec Baldwin the man has ruined my opinion of Alec Baldwin the actor. Shame too .. I really used to love his work.