Alec Baldwin Says Suicide Was An Option After Angry Voicemail
In Playboy this month, Alec Baldwin gives an interview and says that he was suicidal after the tape of the voicemail he left his daughter Ireland last year was released. You know, I read the excerpts of the interview and I don't really think from reading it he was suicidal. He says, “[I was] very serious … I spoke to a lot of professionals, who helped me … If I committed suicide, they [Kim Basinger’s team] would have considered that a victory. Destroying me was their avowed goal.”
So, is he trying to say the only reason he didn't kill himself was because Kim Basinger would have won? Can you imagine in your head Alec Baldwin saying that last line? Destroying me was their avowed goal. Exactly what Jack from 30 Rock would say.
Alec goes on to talk about how he brought himself up from the depths of all of this by appearing on The View and focusing his show and on his book and anything else he could get away with plugging in a few short paragraphs. I love Alec Baldwin the actor, but am not a fan of Alec Baldwin the man. I don't understand the thinking of why he would want to kill himself. Because he was embarrassed? Because he treated his daughter like crap? I know he goes back and forth between New York and LA a lot, but making the flight doesn't make you a good father. It is your actions.
Anyway, you can read it, but I think it is just a line Playboy used to try and get more hits and readers. It worked huh? The link is to Playboy but is SFW.