Friday, June 05, 2009

2009 Playmate Of The Year Ida Ljungqvist Accused Of Stealing Money From Kids

I don't care who you are, headlines accusing you of stealing from kids never turn out well. When you are the Playmate of The Year and you are accused of stealing from kids it sounds even juicier. According to TMZ, Ida Ljungqvist has been accused in court papers of conspiring with a guy to skim off $90,000 in child support payments that were supposed to go kids, but instead went into Ida's pocket to help hide assets from her boyfriend's soon to be ex-wife.

The scorned wife is named Katrina Kantner and she alleges that "her husband has given Ida over $90,000 in cash and gifts — while during the same period, he's been stiffing Katrina out of the $10,000 a month he owes her in child and spousal support."

Ms. Kantner is not amused and wants the money back, plus interest. Whatever the reasons that Ida ended up with $90,000 in money and gifts and whether she knew where the money was intended to go, this won't turn out well for her. No one is going to remember the Kantner name. The only thing people are going to remember is that A Playmate of The Year was stealing money that should have gone to support children while their mom struggled to pay bills each month. While mom was eating canned tuna, Ida was living the high life and rolling in gifts and cash. Sure, the husband here is the big a-hole, but no one will remember that. This one should be fun to watch and will probably get much, much better when the husband responds.


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