1 - 2 - 3 She Lied
For the first time in recorded history a child has done something wrong and then lied to their parents about it. I know, I know. What has this world come to when a kid lies to their parents. Last week I wrote about Kimberly Vlamnick and her 56 star tattoos and her yarn about how she fell asleep and was going to sue the tattoo artist because she wanted three stars and he gave her 56.
I think every person who commented all agreed she was lying because she had got in trouble at home. It is no different from all of the actors who say they are going to sue over some sex allegation because they had to tell their wife something and so they come out and threaten a suit.
Although Kimberly said she was going to sue, now she admits that she lied about the whole thing and that she knew what was going on and that she loves them. She loved them right up until the second her dad got pissed and then she hated them and blamed her tattoo artist.
Look at the guy. Who would want to blame him for anything. Does he have to eat with a straw do you think?