Friday, May 29, 2009

Weekly Thanks & A Camp Ticket Winner

Last week I took the time to thank many of the readers who had decided to advertise on the site. Well that set off an entire new wave of readers who wanted to be a part of it. I am humbled that you would do that and so I want to thank them. On the upper left are Ticket Liquidators who are resellers. I am hoping they are going to stock up on Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman and their fall love fest, I mean play. Right beneath them is the site A To D list which is with your help attempting to compile the definitive guide to A-D list. Hey just like it sounds. On the upper right is the program Panic Away which helps people who are prone to panic attacks. Right beneath them is Travelatime which is a site to purchase all of your travel requirements. And finally, last but not least this week is Dragon Search Marketing who will help your blog or site get noticed by everyone in the entire world.

The winner of the tickets to see A Camp is Alex from Vancouver, and apparently I have learned the venue where A Camp is playing is affectionately known as Dicks On Dicks which sounds like a party. Congratulations Alex.


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