Monday, May 25, 2009

Twitter Has Jumped The Shark

It isn't too often a company jumps the shark before it even goes public so the founders can get paid. You know scratch that. There will be some rich dude who only hears about Twitter in the next few months who will still pay a fortune so the founders of Twitter will get paid, but it's relevance and shelf life is expiring quickly.

Apparently Twitter is going to be the focus of a new reality series involving people chasing celebrities and then Twittering about it. The whole idea is really vague. See if you understand what in the hell this quote means. "The show would harness Twitter to put players on the trail of celebrities in an interactive, competitive format."

Yeah, it sounds dumb. And how are they going to Twitter if it is taped? Will everyone know the results before it airs? Anyway, the show actually has some real producers behind it. Real as in they didn't just print up some business cards, walk into a club and tell some woman they are a producer and have the perfect role for her.

These producers actually are involved in The Office and The Sopranos and The Biggest Loser. They know what they are doing, but what I think this is going to do is make Twitter something akin to the pet rock. It was fun while it lasted but now lets pretend it never happened until VH1 does the best of the '00's.

"Oh do you remember Twitter?"
"It was the biggest thing ever. That was when Ashton Kutcher raced CNN to a million followers."
"Whatever happened to Ashton anyway? Is he still doing cruise ship gigs?"

The original jumping the shark, for your Memorial Day viewing.


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