Tom Sizemore Busted Again
When we last saw Tom Sizemore he was being investigated for robbing a Verizon wireless store back in March. Besides allegedly stealing multiple cell phones he also decided to really go for the bucks and steal a highlighter and some pens also. Well, you know they do have big resale value on the street.
Anyway, last night around midnight, police were called to investigate a domestic violence matter. Well, you know Tom and domestic violence. This time though it appears he was not involved in beating anyone and just "happened" to be near the action. So near in fact that the cops ran his name through the computer and discovered that Tom had an outstanding warrant for his arrest due to a drug arrest in Bakersfield. Apparently Tom didn't show up for a court date or follow his program or just doesn't care. Tom was with a friend who was also arrested for drug possession.
You remember when Tom Sizemore had a career? He was going places. Now the only place he is going is an early death or some very long stretches of prison time.