Today's Blind Items - Bad Drug Behavior
yes, it is time for another episode of Bad Drug Behavior. When I type that I keep hearing an announcer in a really deep voice saying it. Anyway, the last few have been about women, but today is about a guy. A C+ list actor on a fairly hit non network show. He is one of the leads. Mostly television. Anyway, drugs were considered to be one of the reasons his marriage fell apart. Apparently things have not got much better. At a party a few weeks ago he was at the home of a producer of his new movie. Our actor was feeling no pain and was doing coke like a fiend and drinking shot after shot of whiskey as well. This was a big house and the guests had all been directed to use one or two of the bathrooms. Our actor decided that a bathroom was too small for him. So, every hour or so when he went to, ummm relieve himself, he used a bedroom instead of a bathroom. Over the course of the evening he managed to mark his territory on ever piece of furniture, carpeting, bed, and a good portion of the walls. He thought it was funny as hell and at the end of the night told everyone what he had done. The next morning he was kicked off the movie, and ended up forking over about $10,000 in damages.