Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Shia LaBeouf Has Some Mommy Issues

My mom is great and wonderful and kind and annoying and is really good at making me feel guilty. I think all of these are typical thoughts to have about a parent. I have never thought of my mother as sexy. It just isn't a thought that ever pops in my head. Apparently though, it pops into Shia LaBeouf's head a lot, and in some really disturbing ways.

In an interview with Playboy this month, Shia says that his mother is the sexiest woman in the world. Even though that is kind of strange, I was willing to let it go, because maybe he meant it in a non sexual kind of way or he meant pretty and not sexy. But then, I read some more and realized, that no, he really did mean it in a sex kind of way.

It all started when he was a kid and his mom and her friends would be naked around the house. "It's literally a bunch of naked women tracing auras around one another's bodies with incense and then sitting together and humming for prolonged periods of time."

OK, so, his mom is a hippie so maybe you could let that go. Maybe. But it gets worse.

"Probably the sexiest woman I know is my mother. She's an ethereal angel. Nobody looks like that woman. If I could meet my mother and marry her, I would. I would be with my mother now, if she weren't my mother, as sick as that sounds."

Yes, that does sound sick. I'm assuming he meant be with her as in be with her with her. Who has those thoughts about their mom? And lest you think he meant a person like his mother or someone similar, he also says that he now appreciates his mother's naked body. Ummm. Excuse me. Your mom is still getting naked in front of you? And you think she is the sexiest woman in the world? Am I wrong? Maybe others out there think of their mothers like that. It just seems so very, very wrong. Now, I understand there are nudists in the world and so children see their parents naked more often, but do they also think their mother is the sexiest person in the world? Is anyone creeped out by this or am I just taking this all wrong?



  2. *gives Shia the longest side eye in the world), then shakes head.

  3. I understand what he was trying to say, but the fact that he keeps going on about it is a little creepy.

  4. I am very grateful to have never had any sexual feelings for any of my immediate relatives ever. And if they've had any toward me, they've wisely kept it to themselves.

    There is this one cousin, though...

  5. Tell us Sue Ellen what is he really trying to say? To me it sounds like he wants to do his mom and would if she wasn't his mom. I find this whole thing disturbing anyway you put it.

  6. "She's an ethereal angel." ?!?! i guess beauty really IS in the eye of the beholder.

  7. He may have just been trying to give his mother a complaint (remember I said MAYBE).

    He also made another statement about jerking off while staring at Cameron Diaz and Lucy Lu (sp.?) during a Charlie's Angels Full Throttle shoot.

    TMI Shia.

  8. I would assume that he is trying to say that he loves his mom and puts her on a plane above everyone else. To me, it seemed as though he was putting a god-like light around her.

  9. I thought his whole interview was really weird and uncomfortable. What is it about the Transformer stars (he and Megan Fox) that just make you want to say "Um, can you just keep your thoughts to yourself?" The more they talk, the less inclined I am to let my husband talk me into seeing the sequel. TMI.

  10. EEEEEWWWWW I'm totally creeped out right now. I think Shia should just STFU about this.

  11. To me,he loves his mummy! to me,he think she's a great person! he's a mummy's son!good son!


  13. That's what happens when you let your kid take bong hits around the Thanksgiving dinner table.

  14. p.s I am a big time mommy's girl and I think my mom is the best, best, best in the world. Though, I wouldn't call her sexy, but if she was I would give her her due.

  15. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  16. Imagine if his mom is just single and looking for a date and he is trying to help her by talking her up in the media. I would laugh.

  17. I wonder where he grew up? If it was Northern California, like Berkeley, Marin County, Sonoma County, I wouldn't be surprised. I met a lot of people who talk like that when I lived there.

  18. I grew up in a hippie family with naked parents, lots of pot and touring the west coast in the VW can. I am inclined to think that Shia is just saying that he wants a girl just like his mom and probably grew up thinking she was the best thing ever. Sounds like a mamma's boy to me. My four year old tells me he wants to marry me every day. Its sweet and endearing. As long as he is healthy and dates girls who are healthy and doesn't project any weirdness on them or anyone else I don't think he's harming anyone. Perhaps his statement just came out sounding wrong..who knows the context it was make in.

  19. @Miss:

    you might just be the best person here ;)

  20. it sounds like he said and then said all the other shit to make it not sound icky. fail.

    good effort tho.

  21. It's gross but..I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

    a.) He was probably stoned.
    b.) He was probably somewhat kidding.
    c.) He is a momma's boy who appreciates what she brings to the table, and finds that is the most important quality in a woman.

    and a second option altogether:

    He's gay and is using this as a strange deflection from those whispers.

  22. Some people just don't know when to keep their mouth shut. Ewwwww!

  23. Anonymous2:20 PM

    As the mother of a grown son who is admittedly a mama's boy, I have no problems with him thinking nobody can cook like Mom or nobody can knit a sweater like Mom or nobody can do his laundry like Mom. But for a grown son to find his mother sexy is just over the limit. If he had a certain kind of mother - say, a Heidi Klum-ish sort of mom, I can see him realizing that his mom is a MILF, recognizing that his friends would find her sexy. But for him to do so? No. Just no. That's creepy.

  24. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Especially when his mom looks like she does.

  25. my advice to anyone who dates him and wants to marry him is:


  26. I think Shia has some parental issues in general. If anyone else remembers that Vanity Fair article that came out a while back, where he talks about his childhood, you can see why.

    I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt about this. It's clear he had a pretty strange, f-ed up childhood, and I'm not surprised that some of his opinions would come off as...um, non-traditional? to the same the least. But his background is non-traditional as well, and that's the context that forms a lot of our beliefs. I don't think he meant it to sound as creepy as it did. Weirdly attached, maybe, but not incestuous.

  27. I find this disturbing on MANY MANY levels.
    < shudders>

    It's nice of some of you to think he's talking about MOM being his icon to judge other women by, but I don't get that here.

  28. sorry i'd much rather be called gay (because that is a-ok) than called a mother-fucker....literally.

  29. bodie are you being facetious? I have a tendency to get sarcasm ;)

  30. @Jax LMAO! Best comment today!

  31. no Miss

    for once there was no sarcasm from a comment i posted here :)

  32. well then thanks! :D

  33. Creepy, yes, very, but he's still kinda hot.

  34. I was raised by hippies and am a somewhat hippy mom myself.

    Our son stopped seeing me and my (female) partner naked the day he couldn't look her in the eye but instead watched her breasts. He was about 10 or 11, but from then on, we have worn robes or whatever when he's around.

    That would be because we want him to grow up to be a healthy adult male.

    Nothing good ever comes of incestful feelings that aren't actively discouraged---and if his mother had been actively discouraging those feelings, then Shia would NOT have discussed those feelings with the press.

    Shia not only has mommy issues, but he's got boundary issues. And Mommy does too.

    Time to go lie on the couch, Linus.

  35. LOL @ comments!

    Now i want to read the Vanity Fair article (curiosity will be my undoing), but am a little scared to search for it...

  36. I read this elsewhere today and was disturbed. Now that I've read more quotes here, even more grossed out. Some things should never be said out loud!

  37. umm to me, it's just weird.

  38. In that photo he's got a strange, ringo starr look about him. Otherwise, he's gone to a really bad place just to sound erotic in a magazine. And, yes. That is way creepy.

  39. Yeah I don't know...this seems a little more than effed up.

  40. Eh, this is just strategic on his part. He probably heard they were casting for a new version of Hamlet (like we need another...)

  41. Sounds like Shia smoked some weed or dropped some X before the interview.

  42. one name springs to mind: steven kobylak - his relationship with his mother is off the chart abnormally sick
