Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sean Penn Decides To Keep Robin Wright Penn

Lets face it. The headline might seem a little harsh, but that is what it is. Sean Penn dismissed his legal separation papers today and apparently that means the couple has reconciled. Or, in other words, Robin Wright Penn has agreed to whatever demands Sean has imposed and is willing to accept them. At this point it probably means that he will just have several full-time hookers living with him so he doesn't have to bother going out. I'm sure he will want Robin to cook for all of them and do whatever else he needs to have done.

I don't understand this at all. He dismissed the papers which means he changed his mind. She should have been grateful to have him out the door, and instead she was probably begging for him to stay. I had been posting lots of photos this week of Robin to celebrate her new independence in Cannes and reigniting her own career and her own image. It seems like that was just a wasted of time as she is right back to being whatever it is that Sean wants her to be. Someone needs to have a chat with her.


  1. I've lost all respect for Robin, unless she really doesn't care about Sean at all and just wants his money. If that's the case, it's her life - good luck with it!

  2. NO NO NO! Ugh. I was so happy for her when I saw her at Cannes, but now this. She needs more than a chat - she needs a retreat where someone can deprogram her and give her some self-worth.

  3. What would Forrest Gump say Robin?

  4. This is beyond depressing.

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM


  6. Well, he may have had a change of heart and decided that his marriage was actually important to him...or his career.

    Another crazy thought is maybe he actually loves his wife and suspects that no one else would put up with his crap. I do wish them both well, either way.

  7. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I've known a few girls who have the same pattern of always sticking with dudes who treat them like crap, all because they'd rather that than to be alone... you know the type who always have to be in a relationship, no matter how shitty it is. Maybe the case with Robin?

  8. No comment, except to refer you to the video Michael K. posted in reference to this.


  10. Wow, he has really done a number on her, SAD, REALLY SAD

  11. fuck them both at this point.
    if she doesn't value herself, why should we?

  12. they reconciled for now, that could change again.

  13. I hate to say this about her but damn, these two really do deserve each other.

  14. wow

    i've known drug addicts that don't need an intervention as badly as she does

  15. Why does he get to make the choice? He files for divorce both times and HE dismisses the papers each time?

    There has to be a logical explanation for why she is allowing him to control all of the events.

    Perhaps he's emotionally abusive and has broken down her self esteem.

    I just don't get it.

  16. I don't get it either. I obviously don't know either of them but she always struck me as a strong and independant woman. Intelligent. And then shit like this happens. Makes me wonder what part of the story we don't know...probably a big part.

  17. they've had a very volatile relationship but they've been together for years. i don't know why but they DO know why and it's just a marriage---nobody ever really understands it unless they're one of the two people in it.
    i've only known one marriage in my life i admired as an outsider---i think a whole lot of them are fucked up to the observer, but if they work for the people in them, then more power to them.

  18. I wonder what he has on her?

    Fly Robin Fly!

  19. SO discouraging. Was so very hopeful for her, especially being at Cannes, connecting with other artists there, getting a real shot in the arm of renewed creativity.
    Wonder if being alone with the kids had anything to do with it.

  20. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I'm hoping that he changed his mind but didn't consult with her, she sees the headlines and plays along (is SP at Cannes) and then SHE files the day she gets back from Cannes.

  21. OH NO !!!! I was enjoying the pics of a free Robin in Cannes. I guess to each his own!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. AnnMarie, I doubt that will happen. Remember at the Oscars, she was so happy for him she was in tears, but he ignored her and later gave a lame excuse for it.

    No she won't file.

    I wonder if he has some serious dirt on her or again, maybe she's been brainwashed by him

  24. I can't figure it out. He's such an ass. I read that when he filed, he asked that she be given no spousal support (dick), but maybe she has that much money of her own.

    OK, my theory (because I have to come up with something) is this: Their daughter isn't biologically his, and he's threatening to reveal that. She tells him to take his hooker-infested penis and get out, and he says, "ok, I will, I'll file and when we get to court I'll tell the world that Jason Patric is Dylan's father. Watch me." This way, it looks like he wants out, but it's actually his way of keeping her in.

  25. i agree with jax. if she doesn't care enough about herself/children, then why should we?

  26. SAD...Princess Buttercup needs deprogrammed. What they are showing their children about relationships is shameful.

  27. Sean Penn has always looked really mean. She's be better off without him. I guess she wants him around for the kids.

  28. Or, she just loves the dickhead and can't stand to be without him. I'll bet anytime she starts to get a backbone, he threatens to leave her and this time she "pushed" him so far he actually did it. Who feels more humiliated? HER. He doesn't give a shit. His reputation can be run over and then shat on, he still wins awards and gets parts. He can still get a gold-digger or a hooker or a stupid bimbo anytime he wants. And yet, she is damaged goods. It's not all her fault, not everyone is resilient enough to walk away, and once a man you love breaks you down it can be so hard to get out. i just hope that she really will file the next time.

    And follow through.

  29. The timing seems to coincide with the Natalie Portman rumors. I'm guessing that has something to do with it.

  30. Maybe she is the one in charge and made him get Nat to publicly say something. Maybe Robin has her reasons???

  31. Anonymous1:53 AM

    I think this sums it up nicely:

  32. ms cool, i think you might be onto something. maybe SP thought he could actually have something with NP and when she released that statement he decided to go back to robin?

  33. To me, this is obviously an abusive relationship. The tendency for abused women to be unable to kick the abuser out of their lives for good is well-known, and not their fault. I feel for her. But she needs help in the worst way.
    It occurs to me that the entertainment industry needs it's own dedicated centre for the relationship-abused. But it would be over-subscribed in no time!

  34. No, Princess Buttercup, NO!!!

  35. Inconceivable!

    Ok, not at all, really...just had to say it.

    I'm going with those of you who say he's got some serious dirt on her. But what could be worse than staying in this kind of marriage?

  36. "Inconceivable!"


  37. Come on, Enty - he makes more money than her. It's obviously not a relationship based on love or even mutual respect.

  38. Make up your God Damn minds already.

    Because either way, nobody gives a flying fuck!

  39. I read today that he called his filing an "arrogant mistake". God. WHAT a douchebag. Admitting he's an ass makes it so much worse. There's something really manipulative about this whole thing.

  40. Methinks Robin is trying to wait it out through Three Stooges. That is going to be a MAJOR long-term payout that includes memorabilia.

    From what I have heard, she is very business-savvy, and I think she's going to fuck with Sean and his money until she has full revenge. Just my opinion, but if it's true I can respect her again.

    Isn't she the one who called all of his girlfriends and told them which STDs he gave them? I remember that blind from way back.

  41. I agree that she may be under the complete emotional control of this asshole. They've been together for years AND have kids, so if he is emotionally abusive and has her in his control, I imagine it's almost impossible for her to break away on her own.

    I know in my case (3 years, no kids) and the same situation, it was VERY difficult and I still struggle with my ex controlling me mentally. I can't imagine if it had been as long as SP & RWP and there were kids involved.

    If this is the case, she really has my utmost sympathy. It's very hard to leave that kind of relationship and I doubt she has the necessary emotional support she would need to leave him in Hollywood.
