Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Remember The Whole Sarah Michelle Gellar Pregnancy Thing

So, back on April 10th, I posted a story about how People Magazine was running an exclusive that Sarah Michelle Gellar was pregnant. That was just a little over a month ago. The reason I even bothered posting was to make sure the authorities never stop looking for Freddie Prinze Jr. Oh, wait he isn't missing is he? It just seems like it. Anyway, the other reason I posted about it is that SMG's reps never said anything. I'm assuming Freddie doesn't have people who speak for him. Except for Sarah. Anyway, with SMG loving attention just as much as anyone in this town, you would think if it were true or not true that they would make some kind of comment even if the comment itself wasn't true. Then, later they could have another story about how it was private, blah, blah and so you get two stories for the price of one lying comment.

So, the pictures in this post are from yesterday. They are from a pilot SMG is shooting. As in a pilot where she would be filming every week kind of television show if it is picked up kind of pilot. As in, how are we going to work a pregnancy into it kind of television show? So, does she look one month more pregnant than she was supposedly one month ago? Is there caffeine in that coffee or tea? Could someone please go knock the clothes and script from her hand? Thank you in advance.


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