Random Photos Part One
I can't tell if this is an attempt by Kate Gosselin to smile or if Paul Teutel perhaps forgot to shower.The one time a year where Ashley Judd gets to be the center of attention and bring her special brand of misery to the rest of the world
Hello Anna Paquin.
Christie Brinkley and her daughter Alexa Ray Joel who looks remarkably like her stepmother Katie Lee Joel.
Dave at Indy. Enough said.
Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz doing press for Bones.
Hedi Klum on her GNTM show. The G is for Germany in case you were wondering.
Wow, I didn't know tuxedo shirts were making a comeback. It looks like a senior class picture from a tiny town where they are dressed up for the big city.
I didn't even recognize Josh Duhamel.
Who doesn't love James Lipton?
Apparently Katie Holmes didn't get the whole 80's memo and has decided to jump both feet into the 70's. Next thing you know she will be doing a Rhoda remake.
Katharine McPhee in Washington DC.
This is Lindsay Price, but I think the important thing to not here is when in the hell did Godiva start making milkshakes and how come no one told me?
Megan Fox and her ever lengthening hair extensions. I wonder if she ever dresses as a blond and lets BAG call her Donna.
Speaking of bags. Mario Lopez in Indy.
And after the interview Shia LaBeouf took his turn parking cars. Or I would have accepted being the greeter at the door to Olive Garden.
This is Toni Braxton. Didn't recognize her. Maybe it is the booze.
Tim Roth makes a first appearance in the photos.