Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Paris Hilton Makes $1M A Month

In what world is possible for someone like Paris Hilton to make $1M a month? Apparently in our world. Are we really that shallow of a society that we are willing to buy the products that she endorses? We obviously are or she wouldn't make that much money. I can't even type. Why do any of us work? What is the point? Lets just go make asses of ourselves and be ignorant and stupid and companies will pour money down our throats.

In a deposition Paris had to give in a suit filed against her for failing to promote the movie Pledge This, it was revealed that for the years 2006 and 2007 Paris made $22M. That is almost $1M a month. I'm shocked. The good news is she is absolutely clueless about her finances so someone will probably steal it all from her and hopefully she won't be able to get it back.

Access Hollywood got their hands on some of the choicer quotes from Paris' deposition.

When asked who gets her bills, she said, “I don’t know. I’m assuming, like, whoever pays my bills. I never ask about that stuff.”

Hilton's attorney says Paris has not taken a day off from work in years and that "she's the single busiest person on the planet." The remarkable thing is he probably said it with a straight face. I have never felt more insulted as a human. Forget about the moms and the police and fire fighters. The teachers. The people who work three jobs as a single parent to support their kids. Forget about the leaders of countries. None of them have a thing on Paris Hilton. She works harder than all of them.

It turns out that Paris was one of the producers of the movie. When asked what a producer does she said, “I’m not sure what a producer does, but — I don’t know, help get cool people in the cast."

Oh, and she only does Letterman and not Leno because he “didn’t follow particular guidelines with regard to why we were there and promoting. We would never do Leno.” I'm not sure who the "we" is there, but I also bet Leno is not losing a lot of sleep over the fact that Paris won't be on his show.

I need a drink.


  1. all of a sudden i'm a big leno fan

  2. "I have never felt more insulted as a human."

    me neither. looks like her attorney is perhaps even dumber than she is. i didn't know it was possible, but apparently it is so.

  3. Anonymous11:30 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. attys get a big chunk of change to come up with statements like that for their clients...doesn't have to be true.

  5. "she's the single busiest person on the planet"

    Can't her attorney be charged with perjury for that remark?

  6. ...or the mentally deficient act in order to get off.

    Are people really as stupid/ignorant as she seems to be by various quotes I've seen from her? I find it pretty hard to believe, I guess I need to find some stupid friends in order to expand my world view.

  7. me,i need 2 drinks with much alcohol!

  8. I think we should all join forces, do something completely ass-y and become millionaires ourselves. who's in?

  9. Anonymous11:47 AM

    With comments like that how in the world has she been considered a business woman?????

  10. Where is the cosmic justice? She pulls in $22M a year and is a complete moron while I've been unemployed for almost a year, pounding the pavement, looking for work and can't get and the rest of the 12%...unbelievable.

  11. Apparently she's smarter than all of us as WE don't make 1M per month.

    I'm appalled, pissed, offended ....

    Awe hell I might as well join everyone else at the bar.

  12. well you can't be held accountable for pure ignorance, so she wins this round.

    but what BS about Letterman, hello? we all remember how PISSED she was when he mocked her to her face about being in jail. she said she'd never his show again either.

    i wish this dried up tuna would just fuck off already.

  13. "“I don’t know. I’m assuming, like, whoever pays my bills. I never ask about that stuff.”" & "“I’m not sure what a producer does, but — I don’t know, help get cool people in the cast.""

    eek. this high school drop-out really IS the world's biggest and most ignorant dumb f*.

    i so feel like bitch-slapping the lawyer tho...

  14. I wish you would start a trend, Enty, and maybe the other bloggers will follow suit: Do Not write about Paris Hilton. For any reason. EVER.

  15. Do the rampant venereal diseases cost extra, or are they included in the 22$ she makes?

    Maybe they're considered a free bonus.

  16. dave just has her on to make fun of her. she's so fucking dumb, she doesn't realize that.

  17. I don't know whether I want to smack her or salute her. To make a mil doing nothing of relevence. She is either snarter than I previously thought or America has dummied itself down to this point.

  18. Please, higher powers, let her get busted for not paying income tax. Please. Please. Please. Jail is a good place for someone like this.

  19. Wow. i found that whole experience just now completely disturbing, and it made me quite angry. Why? Because she's a fucking idiot; a clueles, ungrateful, just-plain-stupid c*nt.. while the rest of us literally bust our asses off trying to pay the rent (that's right, missy, not everyone can afford their own home - let alone 5 of them)and try to just get by here is this retard who gets paid rediculous amounts of money for her 'producing', whose never paid her own bills and destroys everything she comes across. THIS is what's wrong with the world. God, i hope this financial crisis destroys her, i really do. I wouldn't normally wish that on anyone, but this time i'm making an exception.

  20. OR

    is it all just an act and she is secretly working undercover as a superhero, saving the world one poor child at the time, but she is forced to pretend to be an evil brat so that her evil nemesis will not find out who she is.

    only the lawyer knows her secret.

  21. Holy monkey, you said it Enty. I need a drink after finding out she makes the kind of money she does. It is irritating enough that she is an "heiress" who was born in to wealth, but to realize people are shoving money straight at HER for who she is, and she is as vapid and useless as a boil on a monkey's ass.
    I can't even go on, it is just too dumb and insulting to people who work and struggle to get by to think about.

  22. Where's the drink party? I need one too....

  23. Why-o-why wasn't she invested with Madoff?

  24. Uh, didn't she have *23* days off in a row not too long ago?

    They should have thrown away the key. :D

  25. Ugh. That's so wrong.

    Enty, do you realize she makes closer to $2 million/month (22 divided by 12...) Love, a Math Geek :)

  26. Miss X, it was $22M for 2 years. Love, a fellow Math Geek. :)

  27. I personally blame my high school guidance couselor for not telling me skanky media whore was a career option.

    On a serious note I'll buy the first round Enty & make mine a double because this just sickens my soul that this waste of humanity makes more then decent hardworking people who are just trying to get by these days.

    I am seriously depressed that Karma is not a BITCH because she would have bitten Paris for killing her puppies.

  28. "she's the single busiest person on the planet."

    She's also one of the reasons we have starving people on this planet. If you want to get a good look at mismanaged funds and human values, it would be her products and paycheck. Oh, that's so hawt! Pfffft!
