Thursday, May 07, 2009

Octo Mom Will Have To Adopt If She Wants More Kids

Nadya Suleman is scheduled to have fibroid tumors removed from her uterus this weekend. The gist of that is that having babies in the future is practically impossible. Of course, she could try the adoption route, but thankfully even the biggest bribe in the world will probably not be enough to ever see that happen. While she is in the hospital her mom and nannies will be taking care of the kids. So, just like everyday actually.

Also, in an attempt to get more people to actually like her, she is thinking of changing one of the octupulets names to Nevaeh which is Heaven spelled backwards. Here is a thought. Instead of giving your kid a name they can't pronounce why not just change it to Heaven. I mean that is the point of naming her Nevaeh right? Or, are you just trying to be cute and then get a mirror tattoo so when you look at her name it shows up the correct way?

Anyway, it is surgery, so I hope she is ok. While she is in there I wonder if she is going to have any other work done. If she comes out with a set of DD's, then I guess we know she accepted that porn offer.


  1. Her uterus is fighting back.

  2. Take that, athiests! Saying god doesn't exist... ;)

  3. I'm not interested in her or her fibroid tumors. Go away strange lady.

  4. How about in an attempt to get people to like her........she gives the kids away to loving homes with parents who want to love them and not just see them as meal tickets!

  5. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I've met a number of kids named Nevaeh (NEV-ay, or Neev-ay/neev-ah). It's not that unusual.

  6. FYI, fibroid = code word for tummy tuck, breast lift, a little more juice in the lips.

    I really cannot stand this woman and have no idea why I give her any space in my brain. Neveah? Ugh, ugh, UGH!

    When I was in high school, there was this girl named "Heaven", and the BMOC used to say, "Heaven ... looks like HELL."

  7. Wouldn't they have found those while she was pregnant? I'm sure she had 47,000 sonograms while she was pregnant.

  8. you can still get pregnant after you have fibroids removed. Often difficult, but it's completely possible. My friend had a successful pregnancy after two fibroid surgeries. But since fibroids come back, she eventually had to have her girly parts out altogether. Is Octomom having a hysterectomy?

  9. @ Taylor -
    I agree. How was there room for 8 babies in there along with some tumors?

  10. Does this silly twit really think that changing her child's name is going to make people like her better?

    She doesn't have a hope in Nevaeh of that happening.

  11. Maybe some country has a swap-out policy like air conditioners: Buy a new kid and they'll take your old one away free of charge.

    Or used car trade-ins. Bring in any baby in any condition and get $1500 off a new baby.

    The kid who hits and bites better start shapin' up.

  12. I've got fibroids the size of Cincinnati. Pregnancy can make them grow larger and if they are giving her trouble (heavy periods, pain) then surgical removal is recommended.
    As others have mentioned though, it does not rule out having children. They are generally non-cancerous. Mine don't bother me so we don't bother them. Yes, Taylor. They do show up on the ultrasound scans.

  13. Anonymous1:25 PM

    NOW will she believe that Jesus didn't want her to have babies?

    I'm kidding. I don't believe in Jesus.

  14. It's definitely just a cover up for a tummy tuck and probably implants too.

  15. Like the reason no one likes her is because of her kids names. Is she for real???? I couldn't even tell you what she named the litter. For all I know she already has a Nevaeh.

  16. She looks like a chunkier version of Mel Gibson's girlfriend, without the morticia hair and pointy chin.

  17. 1)I am glad this bitch is getting neutered.

    2)My niece is named Neveah.

  18. Neveah is already a common name in the U.S. But pretty much only among lower-class fundamentalists.

    I think Octomom's lips have been re-inflated recently.

    Thank jeebuz she's on minute 14 of her bout with fame.

  19. fuck you guys have me laughing today.

    maybe she is having the procedure where they burn off the uterine lining to stop gettign your period AND being fertile. they normally will do that at the same time if elected.

  20. Moosh - If there were a god, she would have been born barren ;)

  21. nevaeh is actually a really common stripper name. Seriously. ha ha.. it makes sense coming from her

  22. fibroids flare up at a certain point in pregnancy and cause pain. but it really depends on how many layers of the uterus they involve whether they have to be removed.
    i saw thank GOD she has them and they're going in there. i'd feel better if they'd just tie her tubes while they're at it, just to make sure.

  23. She'd NEVER pass a home study. She's done. Thank GAHD!

  24. Bad Fish -Darling what do you have against us Jews?? :)
    I can't stand this woman Nadia. My only single child son was IVF. My fibroid loaded uterus is gone. I feel I can say she is nuts without any sanction on my part. Heck she is a single mom student! The Doctor who did all of this should be responsible for the kids. No Ethics.

  25. please ban this sow please.....

  26. Share my neice is named nevaeh too!

    How can she think it is a good idea to change a child's name after it has been born? And alive for a while? I can understand a nickname or going by the middle name, but to totally change it? Not cool.

  27. One of the contestants from Flavor of Love 2 claimed to be a singer and her stage name was Nevaeh. She couldn't sing worth a damn. If having the same name as a contestant on that show isn't enough to convince you not to name your kid that...

