Monday, May 18, 2009

Natalie Portman Says Sean Penn Is A Colleague

Apparently the idea of dating Sean Penn is so horrific even to Natalie Portman that she actually released a statement so people would think she wasn't dating him. Despite her denial, at least two tabloids think she is still making breakfast with him in the mornings or at least catching a cab at 3am. Natalie says "Sean Penn is a friend and colleague. The reports that we are romantically involved are completely untrue."

A couple of things about all of this. If it turns out Natalie and Sean really are a couple or in the future become a couple people will always call her a liar, so I hope she knows what she is doing and that this isn't some statement released by some lied to or uninformed publicist. Second, who uses the word colleague? It always cracks me up when actors do this. A colleague is someone you network with once a month at a cocktail mixer while making fun of other people doing the exact same thing you are doing. The whole colleague thing seems to be a bit pretentious if your colleague is making Spring Break 83 while you are finishing up work on Road Trip 13. The friend thing? Hey, if she wants to be his friend that's fine. He probably doesn't have many female friends because they know what a prick he has. The fact she is willing to be his friend says a lot for her standards or devotion to a higher being.


  1. I hope she's telling the truth and he's not a colleague with benefits.

  2. 1. The rumours have been going on for a while. This suggests to me that she (and/or her camp) were milking the whole thing for publicity for the film(s) she/they have.
    2. I think she only said that so as not to be labelled "the other woman" or a husband stealer - which are titles that are hard to shake off (Jolie, anyone)...

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    It may not be romantic, but that doesn't mean it's not sexual.

    Word Play!

  4. Those were my thoughts exactly!

  5. "what a prick he has"? LOL

  6. Considering Robin Wright's feelings, I hope no one was milking this for PR, but given that no one outside a couple of tabloids (with 'anonymous sources') have claimed the story in nearly two months...

  7. I think Natalie saw Sienna Miller's career in her future, and quickly ran the other way.

  8. Did Enty write "what a prick he has" on purpose? Because if not, that's the funniest typo I've ever read...

  9. LOl, i caught the intended typo as well, Enty!

  10. Lordy, look at Sean Penn's face. Who would want to look at that every night? Ick. Robin can now find herself a nice man.

  11. They may not have romance but they may have closed-eye sex. Closed eyes on her part.

  12. I never believed this. I think it's b.s. to find someone else to blame (i.e., another woman) and to mask the real reason S and R broke up - abuse and infidelity. Trying to protect his holiness, Sean Penn. He can kiss our a$$e$.
    A colleague is someone who's in the same industry or a co-worker. A lot of people use the word.

  13. Doggy-style would be best.

    I don't see anything wrong with the word colleague. It's someone you work with. If you were to describe someone you work with, wouldn't you say "this is my work colleague" rather than say "this is someone I work with/this is a work friend"? You may not be friends, but you could be on friendly terms with them. It fits. She could have said, "Sean Penn is a work colleague and we occasionally fuck when it's too late to call his Russian strippers and I need to release some tension."

  14. Tension? No amount of tension/
    frustration would allow for having to deal with that walking anal sphincter.

    You'd still have to see & speak to
    him at some point. She has bad taste in boyfriends. Opps! Sorry work colleagues!

    Enty, Loved the typo intended or otherwise.



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