Thursday, May 28, 2009

More Words From Danny Boyle

I cannot believe I am about to type these words but I agree with Rafiq Quereshi. That is the man who tried to sell his daughter Rubina Ali to reporters posing as parents. Anyway, Danny Boyle gave some kind of news conference yesterday where he blathered on and on about all of the wonderful things the trust is doing for the kids and that $100,000 will be spent on housing the kids and that Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail who lost his house also was about to move into a house that had been secured for him. I just don't understand. Danny Boyle didn't have any obligation to these kids. He didn't. BUT, as soon as he opened his mouth about what they were going to do for the kids and their futures and their housing he then did become responsible and he is going to be called to task for screwing around. Azharuddin has been homeless since his shanty was torn down several weeks ago. His family was living beneath pieces of plastic. For two weeks? Why the f**k didn't Danny Boyle put the family in a hotel until he secured a house for them? Why? Because he doesn't care and probably wishes he had never made these promises in the first place. Right now they are empty promises.

He said they secured housing for Azharuddin but he hasn't moved in and is still homeless. As for Rubina's plight? They are still looking for suitable housing. Excuse me? You made many many millions upon millions of dollars and I find it very hard to believe you can't find a house. Are you being cheap about this? At this point I would think Danny would want all of this to go away and just pay whatever it takes. Instead it is just talk. Rubina's dad said, "It has been five to six months," he said. "Everything is available in Mumbai if you have the money. If you really want to get us a house, you can get us a house in two days." Like I said, I can't believe it, but I am agreeing with a man who tried to sell his daughter.

Oh, and you want the kicker? Danny wants to shoot two more movies in Mumbai. Hopefully he won't exploit more kids.


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