Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend Stuff

Last weekend was of course a three day weekend in Canada for Victoria Day and this weekend is a 3 day weekend in the US and also over in the UK. That being said, I will be posting all day on Monday. I will be drunk, but I will be posting. Also on Monday there will allegedly be a post by Carli who is going to a BBQ at Adam Carolla's house this weekend. So, that should be something to get you away from the pool or the grill for at least a few minutes.

Also this week I want to say thanks to some readers who love the site so much they decided to buy ads on the site. They are over on the right next to Ben. Say hi Ben. I really appreciate the fact that readers think this site is the place where they want to spend money. I don't get any money if you click on their ads or anything, or get a commission. I will say that if you need a ticket reseller just try the people over at Ticket Liquidators before you make your purchase. A reader from Ireland has come up with a program to deal with panic attacks called Panic Away. No, not Panic! At the Disco, panic attacks. And finally, yet another reader is trying their hand at selling vacations and airline tickets so give them a look see as well on their site Travelatime.

Oh, and also the.princess.leia has started a new site to try and attempt to clarify the entire A-D list of every actor and actress known to mankind. You can help her out by contributing your thoughts. Click here to see her site.

I hope that wherever you are this weekend that you be safe and have fun. I know lots of you will be on the road this weekend. I care about all of you and want you back here safe on Monday or Tuesday or whenever you get back.


  1. "I will be drunk, but I will be posting."

    Excellent!!! I love drunken Enty posts.

  2. Have a very happy weekend everyone! And Enty, have a drink or 5 for me on Monday :)

  3. We care about you, too, Ent. Drink it up this weekend!

  4. enty, you're awesome and we love you. that is all.

  5. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I'd like to bid a "Happy Memorial Day" to Enty and all of you here, and to the glorious, obnoxious world of gossip to which I am addicted. God Bless America!

    And while I joke a little above, I am thankful to those in whose memories we celebrate the day.

  6. You too enty! And all you lovely CDaN'ers as well!

  7. Holla peeps!
    Have a good long weeknd, I know I did!

  8. Nice sentiment AnnMarie

    i think sometimes we get so caught up in the fact that we have a long weekend that we forget WHY we have a long weekend.

    kudos to you for the reminder :)

  9. I have personally used Panic Away and can vouch for it. It's made a huge difference for me. Glad they're advertising here. :)

  10. Carli - If Jon Hamm is over at Carolla's house, please cop a feel on my behalf.

    Thank you.

  11. Nice sentiments Enty. I'm tired just thinking about my upcoming weekend, but somehow I'll get through. I plan on recoop'ing in the pool on Monday, but when it's time to reapply the sunscreen or head to the fridge of an adult beverage, I'll take a peek in here. Have a nice, long weekend and watch out for the cops.

  12. Happy Memorial Day to Enty and everyone here! I'm having a blast watching the worldwide insanity that is Adam Lambert grow to mythic proportions. It's crazy and wonderful.
    If the shuttle lands in CA tomorrow, I'll be there since it's a good bet that it'll be the final one.

  13. Have a great drunken Memorial Day Weekend Enty and American CDaNers!

  14. Enty, the way you wrote this post sounds like you're already on your way to a happy drunkfest. God love ya, so am I! Happy holiday to all!

  15. I don't post all that much here, but read this site every day. I need this site for my sanity. There is way too much serious stuff going in the world and this site is one of the ways I escape and subsequently relax. Have a wonderful Memorial Day, Enty. I very much look forward to your drunken blogging! Love ya!

  16. WOW. It appears I have already started my weekend.
    I just read the entire post, then went back to skim through looking for the blind item. I'm thinking... How did I miss the blind item? It's always the last thing posted during the day. Where the hell is the blind item.

    Enjoy your weekends!

  17. looking forward to the carolla report.
    love the ace & his funny as hell podcast

  18. Enty,

    Thanks for the shout out! I'll also be posting Monday and trying to do some slight site maintenance this weekend. I have a lot to do to make my site anywhere near the quality of my main squeeze here! Also, drunk blogging is fun blogging, so count me in.

    To everyone else, Happy Memorial Day, even if you don't live in a country that observes it. Have a drink and say it's....say it's...say it's honour of my birthday (which it's not) but hey! Any reason to raise a beer!

    Love all of you guys, you've become like family to me over the past few years!

  19. As a first time poster and looooong time lurker, happy weekend to you, Enty, and to everyone else. I feel like I know so many of you. It meant so much to me when Enty actually sent me birthday wishes through'll never know how much it meant you lovable blob!

  20. Happy Three day weekend all!

    To those who have to work;like I usually do; God Bless!

    Be safe everyone & have fun!!

  21. Have a safe weekend Enty, we care about you, too. You're a good guy to plug the businesses of the readers.

    I love me some drunken posties!

  22. Enty, you are truly an awsome human being. I wish everyone a fanstastic and safe holiday weekend as well, here in the CDAN Enty family. And like enty said, let's get back home safe. :)

  23. Again, sending everyone good vibes and well wishes for the weekend!

  24. These comments are just so full of love, aren´t they?

    But, instead of making me feel sick (which is my usual reaction) I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
    (Is it the cheap generically based white russian i am drinking? Nah, it couldnt be!)

    Even though I do not get a long weekend (in fact, I had to work today so I will only have tomorrow off) I wish you all the very, very best, and I enjoy talking and discussing and disagreeing with you every day.
    Love, love, love.

  25. WOW, that was awsome Linnea...Likewise! :)

  26. Hope everyone stays safe - drinking at home behind the computer or TV beats being behind the wheel... this way you only damage yourself :) so stock in your nibbles and bits early!

    Kisses to the veterans who this holiday is about, hugs to everyone else.

  27. Leslie--Enty's b-day greeting of Facebook kind of made my day, TOO! And it didn't seem canned or insincere either!

    I thought it was so nice of him, that he takes a moment for each of his fans on their birthdays.
    It was a thrill only equaled by the times that MK has responded to my emails. *sigh*

  28. First time poster - long time reader. I am dying for you to start! I am in eastern Canada though and ahead of you is killing me!!
    Love your blog!

  29. Yah to Drunken Enty .....and welcome Zooeyg - I'm in Eastern Canada too !!1
