Larry King Needs Some Harry Carey Glasses
Yes, I know the headline might be confusing to some of you, but for those of you who knew who Harry Carey was, you will remember that he had glasses as thick as a coke bottle. Seriously. The lenses on his glasses were about 3 inches thick. I don't think you could even see his eyes they were so thick. Anyway, Larry King might be needing some of those or at least a producer who travels with him constantly. The reason?
According to The Globe, Larry was enjoying some deli last week when in walked Gwen Stefani to the same place. Larry, who is hip and cool in his own mind, sauntered his Mr. Burns like self over to Gwen and proceeded to drool while saying how big of a fan his kids are of her and would she sign an autograph, and while she was at it, maybe movie his wheelchair back into place. Gwen, being the lovely person she is, signed the autograph and even promised to send a picture as well.
Larry couldn't have been happier and then looked down at the signature and said, "Oh, I'm sorry I thought you were Christina Aguilera. Oh Larry. I'm guessing Larry doesn't know who Gwen even is or he would have shut his mouth and not inserted his foot. Smooth move for a guy who has been on radio since it was invented. He probably thought Gwen was just some actress or something and not the prize he was seeking. If he had known who she was, I am guessing he would have kept his mouth shut and not made himself look like an idiot or Gwen look bad.
I don't watch Larry, but hasn't he had Christina on the show? Maybe it was when Seacrest was hosting or something, but I could have sworn I saw two ton makeup lady on there one night.