Friday, May 08, 2009

Lance Armstrong Wants To Play The Field

Lance Armstrong has a new book coming out. In the book he talks about why he and Sheryl Crow broke up and he tries to make himself look noble and virtuous, but it basically comes off as him sounding like a prick. He says that the couple broke up because Sheryl wanted kids and marriage and he didn't. That's fine, but he offered this really lame excuse.

"She wanted marriage, she wanted children; and not that I didn't want that, but I didn't want that at that time because I had just gotten out of a marriage, I'd just had kids [Luke, 9, and twins Grace and Bella, 7]. Yet we're up against her biological clock -- that pressure is what cracked it."

Umm. They broke up in 2006. That was 3 years ago. So, Luke would have been 6 and the twins 4. How is that just having kids? Plus, the couple went out for a long time. Don't you think that he should have made this clearer to Sheryl sooner? I will tell you what it was. He didn't want a commitment with Sheryl. He just wanted fun. He liked being with a singer but he didn't like her enough to marry her and have kids with her. He should just say that. To make up some crap story about how it was too soon is b.s.

Now of course Lance is expecting a child with his latest girlfriend. I guess he is ready now. I know Lance has done a lot to raise money for the fight against cancer and we are all supposed to love him because of all the odds he has overcome and winning the Tour de France. Honestly though. I think he is a really selfish ass and I think he toyed with Sheryl Crow and ultimately broke her heart. I don't have a lot of respect for the guy. That might make me unpopular, but I think he tries way too hard to have this clean cut image and I think he is basically a man whore who rides bikes.


  1. I just can't stand those Livestrong bracelets everyone and their grandma wore. So tacky and lame.

  2. "A man whore who rides bikes." This has given me the best visual of the day.

    Enty, I love you.

  3. I'm glad you said that. He's a huge man whore. Huge. I'm not impressed with him personally.

    His ex wife wrote an amazing article in Glamour a few years ago ... very insightful ...

  4. How long has he been with that new chick who is carrying his child?

    Whatever-same guy who brought an Olsen twin for show and tell at his kids' elementary school. Without the bike he's a haggard creep. Look at his picture and forget his name and notoriety. See what I mean?

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    didn't the new chick pretty much get knocked up in their first month or two together? I wonder if they discussed and planned for it :-)

  6. I have felt the same way for a long time abut this guy. I have lost parents and friends to cancer. People think I must respect Lance Armstrong because I know what cancer can do - which is a really bad assumption. Cancer touches millions of people. I see nothing extraordinary in this man. He uses celebrity to get laid. And the plastic bracelets itch.

  7. "I think he is basically a man whore who rides bikes."

    *have always thought this*

  8. I agree 100% with you, warmisland. People acted as though he discovered a cure for cancer, when all he really did was market cheap sweatshop bracelets that ended up in landfills.

  9. I don't see the logic here. He DID love her enough to marry her -- they were engaged for six months. He DIDN'T, however, want to have kids. So he broke up with her, freeing her to go find someone with whom she COULD have kids.

    What's the problem there? Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Would you all have preferred it if he had married her, then gotten a vasectomy without her knowledge, stringing her hopes along fruitlessly while her eggs dried up?

    Honestly, it seems as if you've all pre-decided that he's an ass, and interpret everything as evidence of his assness.

    Plus, the couple went out for a long time. Don't you think that he should have made this clearer to Sheryl sooner?Why do you assume that SHERYL made her desires clear? Maybe SHE didn't tell HIM that she absolutely wanted children now until after the engagement. You're jumping to conclusions based on your prejudgment of Armstrong's character.

    He didn't want a commitment with Sheryl. He just wanted fun. He liked being with a singer but he didn't like her enough to marry her and have kids with her.No -- he DID like her enough to marry her. But he didn't want to have kids with her. So he did the right thing, instead of lying and keeping her from HER goal, children in the immediate future. Again, how is that a problem?

    He should just say that. Sure, because saying "Yeah, she was good enough to fuck, but not good enough to marry" in a book is JUST what classy people say about people they care about. If he had said that, THAT would be evidence that he was an ass -- because all it would serve to do is belittle and humiliate Sheryl.

    So basically, none of this proves anything about Lance Armstrong, unless you've already decided what kind of a person he is and view everything he says through that prism. Maybe he IS a prick -- I don't know, and these comments certainly don't help me make that determination in any way.

  10. He's a prick because he 1)cheated on his wife, 2)left his wife for Sheryl Crow, 3) left her because she wanted kids and he didn't and 4) after that turns around and gets someone pregnant after saying he doesn't want anymore kids.

    I dunno, but on my planet that makes someone a prick.

  11. I agree a 100% he's a selfish prick. I had cancer and survived and don't go around whoring or lying to folks about how I'm clean cut I have my drinking out in the open but at least I'm a loyal drunk wink

  12. Meh. George Hincapie is DA MAN! Go Big George!

  13. Kelly:

    Congratulations on beating the c-word.

  14. LOL@ a man whore who rides bikes.
    You nailed it Enty. That's why I thought he and Kate Hudson made such a great match.

  15. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I've always found him totally distasteful and could never see why any woman would want to be involved with him. For any reason. Especially not to give birth to his children.

  16. I agree with man whore verdict. Plus, didn't he leave Shryl not long after she found out she had cancer? Like because she was getting some attention he had to bolt to get all the attention back to himself. He's gross.

  17. Just to keep you all in the loop - Lance's first wife was inseminated with sperm they "harvested" from Lance prior to his cancer treatment, which left him sterile. The kick in the ass is he is one of the few who regained his fertility after many years; so, this new baby was/is a big surprise to him. Payback is a bitch.

  18. He's always creeped me out. I saw them interviewed years ago on Oprah and I thought then... run, Sheryl, run.

    Forget the cancer, 3 kids, his Momma, whatever, I think Lance is all about Lance period.

  19. Just another one to say, "a man whore who rides bikes" is a bang-on description.

  20. i despise lance armstrong. he's a selfish prick with a huge ego. sheryl deserves so much better.

  21. Amen Enty! I cannot stand Lance Armstrong.

  22. Thank you Enty! And happy mother's day to Sheryl Crow.

  23. i agree 100% glad i'm not the only one who thought he was a prick

  24. I'm not one to idolize athletes anyway. I will give him his propers for coming back so strong after cancer and serving as an inspiration to others.

    Other than that...There is nothing I admire about him. I never thought he was handsome, he doesn't seem particular bright, and he has questionable taste in women (Sheryl's OK, so of course he dumped her).

    And, yes, he's just a man whore on a bike.

  25. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I never thought highly of him when he divorced his wife. It didn't take long to start dating than he dumped Sheryl when she had cancer. Thought he was a douch for leaving her.

  26. Here's what I like to imagine. That this selfish prick whom I've never thought much of (personally speaking, I can admire his accomplishments) finally had karma bite him in the ass. He dumps his wife for a rocker, dumps the rocker w ho wants kids for a young thing, young thing "forgets" to use birth control and voila, she's pregnant. Ha! So much for not having any more kids. Use a condom you tool.
    And if you want to see a real sports hero who persevered after a fight with cancer check out the story of Terry Fox.

  27. AnonMom: Thanks for the link - she has a marvelous way with words. It was interesting reading her honest account of her marriage, without blaming the husband (as so many bitter ex-wives tend to do).

  28. OT: Just because someone gets cancer, doesn't make them a good person (during or after). Illness can strike anyone, and doesn't necessarily change a person for the better.

  29. I have also always thought he was a prick. I found his self righteousness to be insufferable. He's not the only person who's had cancer in the universe! Why does it always seem like he's presenting himself in that light?

    He is indeed a man-whore who rides bikes.

    And! Terry Fox was WAY MORE AWESOME than this douche.

  30. Anyone who knows LA knows what Enty wrote is true (and I know plenty of people in bicycling who know LA).

  31. "I don't have a lot of respect for the guy. That might make me unpopular, but I think he tries way too hard to have this clean cut image and I think he is basically a man whore who rides bikes."

    Exactly. Just another douchebag professional athlete. *yawns*. Nothing special.

  32. The frosting on the cake he accidently knocks up his latest fling with a supposedly empty ballsack.
    More child support to be saddled with!
    No pity.

  33. A man whore who rides bikes ... LOVE that.

    I respect the man for the awareness he raises for cancer but have NEVER liked him. He's smarmy and when he started hanging with that tool Matthew M, Lance just disgusted me for good. :P

  34. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Fuck this dude. I have it on good authority that all all all all ALL high-placing cyclists are on something. ALL of them. The diff is, the more $$$ you have, the better, newest, untraceable stuff you can get your hand on.

    Oh, and you know what often causes testicular cancer? STEROID ABUSE

  35. I can't stand him, either, Enty. Seems like I'm in good company here!

  36. I agree with all that- tho i will say that the term 'man whore' is kind of antifeminist as that associates the word 'whore' with only women. So i will say he is a whore who rides bikes.

  37. ...and has mucho child payments on the way. p.s. did he start the band trend? i didnt know that.

  38. I thought I'd say this, just to get it off my chest.
    Just because someone has or has had cancer, doesn't mean they are a saint. The publicity machine behind him is sickening, basically making him out to be saintlier than Mother Teresa when is behavior points to him being a bastard.

  39. Um .. late to the party .. but am I the only one who remembers that shit [dyslexic typo of "this" .. but I am keeping it ..] douchebag started fucking Kate Hudson after she dumped Owen Willson [his supposed best bud] after their reconcilement after Owen's suicide attempt??

    What kinda of a decent human being does THAT!?!?

    No .. Lance Armstrong is a douchebag who thinks he has a get out of jail free card because he faced death. Shortly now, he will fade into obscurity were he and the other athlete-douches should remain in the first place.

    {Dayum!! Does it seem like I hate Lance?? Good .. because I do with 99.99% of my being.] Oh .. and wouldn't it just be a hoot if this "naturally conceived chid" actually turn out not to be his?!?

  40. I will never understand the appeal of the oh-so-saintly Lance Armstrong. This is same man that admitted to taking "enhancing" meds while competing, and worse yet, was McConaughey's wingman...nothing screams LOSER more than that. I appreciate his work for cancer research but unless he actually finds a cure, he's nothing more than a guy who got really lucky both medically and in his popularity. But he's still a douche and a skinny, country, dumb-fuck deeb to boot!

  41. Seeing all those posts here makes me sad... Why are Americans always this ignorant and stupid? Do you guys do this in purpose or what?

    First of all... Lance Armstrong is not just another professional atlete... He's a LEGENDARY atlete. You Americans probably don't know this(most of you guys seem to think the world revolvs around America...), but cycling is VERY POPULAR here in Europe. Lance Armstrong never tested positive for doping and never admitted to use it. He's innocent till proven guilty... Lance is not the prick you guys make him out to be. Type "Armstrong having fun with Sporza" in on youtube. He's a pretty funny guy. Sure, he's a prick sometimes, but you need to be a prick sometimes to win tour de france 7 times. Lance Armstrong is just a man whore on his bike? Do you have any fucking idea how hard it is to ride the tour de France? He works harder then all you guys combined.

    I'm really not surprised at these comments though... It proves again just how ignorant Americans can be. Go watch your dumb sports like American football that no one else gives a shit about in the world.
