Kevin & Jodi Kreider Get Some Money
Everyone needs to make a buck off the Jon and Kate situation. We have had Deanna Hummel who has probably not made a dollar yet, but will any day now. Jon and Kate have obviously made money. Deanna's brother, Mr. Ick. Nast. has made his money and will probably need it for when he has to find a new place, and now Kate's brother Kevin and his wife Jodi need to make sure they get paid also. In addition to selling their story to Star, Kevin & Jodi also sat down for a video interview with Radar Online which is basically Star and the National Enquirer with a fancy name. No, seriously. Same company. Anyway, Kevin says that he was told about six months ago that the marriage was over. Funny enough that is about the time my blind item was first posted. That sure is a coincidence. So, if you miss seeing the couple on the show, you can click here and watch them spill their guts for a paycheck.